Tuesday, April 12, 2005

ELCA to possibly allow gay clergy in relationships

I grew up in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. When you get a group of LCMS and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) folks together, you'll often get disagreements over which church is more strict (LCMS, trust me). One thing everyone will agree on is that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American is by far the most liberal group of Lutherans. And they are proving it. The Bishops of the ELCA are considering allowing homosexuals in committed relationships to enter the priesthood. I have one problem with this, and one problem with this only. If homosexuality is a sin, then Pastors in committed homosexual relationships are pretty unrepentent sinners. I do not expect the leader of the flock to be perfect, but I do expect them to be more reflective on their sins than their flock. How else will they lead? The ELCA dispenses with such spiritual questions and instead bends to popular will, and that is disappointing to someone who finds himself in the ELCA today.

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