Sunday, April 17, 2005

One cab driver's solution to Wisconsin's cat problem

This story that I am about to relate is actually Col. Ollie's. Hopefully the good Col. won't mind me borrowing his material.

Anyway, the Col. was in a major east coast city last week on business. On his cab ride back to the airport, the driver asked Ollie where he was from. Ollie said, "Wisconsin." The cab driver's eyes immediately lit up. He had heard of Wisconsin's feral cat problem, and it just so happened that he had a solution. Trap the cats. Then export them. And it just so happens that he knew some people that could help facilitate this. But export them where, you ask? Well, to certain regions of the world where cats are a delicacy. This cab driver thought he had our cat problem licked, and he wanted a cut of the action. He left Ollie with his business card and strict orders to get this message to Governor Doyle: Governor, a cab driver out East says that you can kill two birds with one stone; you can solve Wisconsin's feral cat problem and find an alternative revenue source with which to lower taxes.

Col. Ollie told me this story, and my first thought was that this plan was impossible. I mean, Governor Doyle, lower taxes?


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