Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Sis in law and the College Republicans

I've just learned that my sister-in-law recently attended her first College Republicans meeting. I'd say this actually fits her rebellious personality quite well, as she is an art student, a typical lefty breeding ground. I'd like to take credit, but I can't. My father-in-law is a dyed in the wool Republican. He claims me as a convert of his, and while I'll give him a credit in it, the transformation was already well under way when he began to bend me to his will.

I am nervous, as Mrs. Jib told me that I need to pass the address to this humble blog along for my sister-in-law to give to someone in this chapter of the College Republicans. I'm pretty damn conservative, but I have said such radical things like Feingold is better than potential RINO Russ Darrow. If this blog does get visited by her chapter of the College Republicans, enjoy guys, and feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Jib said...

Steph, let me know if you are going to keep up on your misanthropic musings at your new blog. If so, I'll link to you and share my audience of 5.