Saturday, December 04, 2004

Eminem, certified idiot

The music video for Eminem's song Mosh has been re-edited. Originally it showed him leading a mob to the polling places. Now that the election is over, it has been edited to show him leading a mob on the Capitol during Bush's State of the Union Address. There was a time and a place when promoting a violent coup was not free speech, but rather a treasonous activity. That aside, this re-edit really symbolizes the gross hypocrisy of some on the left. They play up the fact that the people need to choose, the people need to have their voice heard, and they push to line up as many people that share their views to vote as possible. Then when they lose, instead of admitting that the people's voice was heard, they act like spoiled two year olds. At that point, they start to contradict their earlier statements by have fantasies about coups and assassinations, which are not activities that echo the voice of the majority.

1 comment:

dawniebean said...

well, at least it's not vanilla ice.