Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Put a Mosul on it

How long will the insurgents be able to hide in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city that happens to be in Sunni-Kurdish territory? Zarqawi has spent time in the area before when he ran the Ansar al-Islam camp prior to the U.S. invasion a couple years ago. He’s not real popular there. Either are the Baathists, for obvious reasons. Chemical Ali’s trial is approaching – he was the first of Saddam’s henchman to appear in court a week ago. The Kurds need to be reminded on a daily basis of what Ali did to them back in the 80s. That should fuel the fire a little bit.

I don’t suspect the general populace in Mosul will care much for the Baathists and foreign terrorists who have inhabited their city after being chased from Falluja. I’m hopeful the Iraqis will finally step up to the plate and take a couple hacks this time around. The Kurds are ruthless warriors who like to fight dirty, just like the insurgents. I seem to recall that Israeli anti-terror forces were in Kurdish territory a year or so ago, training them on counter-terror and –insurgency techniques. I could be a different story than Fulluja.

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