Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Dr. Jib's Election Stress Remedy

I have remedy for traumatic election syndrome, and it is what I am practicing tonight. First, read lots of Jiblog, and stay a long time. Next, once you've read all 5 months of Jiblog, back slowly away from your computer, and press the power button. 97% of you Windows users won't even experience problems by doing this. Now, leave your desk, grab your coat, and go home. Once at home, begin drinking heavily. Once you've drank enough, all exit poll numbers blur into numbers you want to see. This next step is the most important: Crawl into bed at 7 pm. Finally, get up at 2 am to see who won.

Now this is my plan because I have a 6 am flight, but I suspect it will work for many of you as well.

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