Thursday, June 02, 2005

An unhealthy Europe and war

Glenn Reynolds takes a look at the current mess that is Europe. Part way through the article is this little paragraph:
Green doesn't think we're headed for another war, and I hope he's right. But Europe has been the world's primary troublespot for centuries, so when things go badly in Europe, it's a bad sign for the rest of us.
I've been thinking a lot about the dry rot in the European economic and political sectors lately, and while it is disturbing, does anyone actually think this could lead to war without plenty of advance warning to reign in any warring desires? I mean, what would they fight each other with, pea shooters? Some may say that I am being flippant, but outside of Britain, who has the manpower and machinery to fight a war on the old continent? It is going to take a refashioning of economies and military build up before anyone would be seriously war capable in Europe. Communism may be a rising threat in Europe, particularly in France, but I doubt war is anywhere near the horizon.

Bonus thought
If we label Europe as "the world's primary trouble spot for centuries, what makes us think that uniting the Europeans is going to fix that? It seems to me it would make them even more dangerous to world peace and stability.

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