Friday, July 09, 2004

Loose Lips Sink Ships, Volume I

Welcome to the first edition of Jiblog's "Loose Lips Sink Ships". We are once again at war in America (albeit undeclared, again), and my mind hearkens back to the wonderful posters of WWII. My favorite is "Loose Lips Sink Ships" because it so effeciently taught Americans that their own big mouths could lead to the death of their fellow citizens, including their loved ones. Well, it is also a lesson we've forgotten over the years. Today, the biggest loose lips belong to our news media. Over the past two and a half years, I've been continually amazed at the stories that editors and producers decide to run with, stories that illuminate out weaknesses and blind spots not only to you and I, but also our enemies.

Our example today is the normally stellar Washington Times. Today they tell us how terrorists can pick up on the identity of air marshals, and also gives them tips on how they can incapcitate the marshals. While I understand the spirit of the piece is pro-marshal and anti-beaurocracy, which is good, it does not change the fact that the story tips the air marshals' hand even more to terrorists.

Congratulations, Washington Times. May American blood never stain your keyboards.

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