Saturday, October 09, 2004

A huge victory Down Under, in the war on terror

Australian Prime Minister John Howard has just won re-election in Australia. What does this mean to the war on terror? First of all, President Bush retains a key ally. But secondly, and perhaps more importantly, this is a major slap in the face of terrorists.

Through the use of ruthless violence, Islamic terrorists influenced a national election in Spain this past March. Islamic terrorists promised to do the same around the world, including Australia. It didn't happen. John Howard, a key supporter of the war on terror, including the Iraq component of that broader war, is staying in office. This is a major victory for the coalition; terrorists will not influence the democratic process in countries like Australia.

Furthermore, the people of Australia have sent a clear message. While the majority of Australians do not support the Iraq war, they have re-elected a prime minister who IS a staunch supporter. Why? Maybe because Australia has suffered few (if any) casualties in Iraq. So the brutality of the war hasn't really "hit home," so to speak.

Actually, the citizens of Australia re-elected John Howard because of economic issues. Things are pretty good in Australia, and its citizens did not want to risk losing their economic prosperity by unseating a strong domestic leader. That's a strong endorsement for freedom. While war is brutal and undesirable, freedom and economic prosperity are worth fighting for.

Col. Ollie signing off on an even more historic day in the "real" war on terror.

1 comment:

Mediaskeptic said...

I agree. And dont' forget our biggest victory -- against an Elite Media in Australia that is even more flagrantly biased than our own.