Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Just A Girl's Special Date

I was buzzing through the blogosphere before calling it a night, and I stopped to check out Just A Girl's blog. She is from the lovely Mrs. Jib's neck of the woods, so I try to check in on her site from time to time. Tonight I found this great post. On election day, she is going down to Milwaukee to help a WWII vet cast his last vote for President. Ya gotta love the old guy's salt:
“I don’t care what happens between now and when I die - except for one thing. I am going to stay alive long enough to vote, dammit. If you think for one moment that I’m going to let John Kerry hijack our nation’s military, you’re nuts. I’m not going to let that happen without knowing that at least I voted for the right man, George W. Bush.”

Touching little story, even if you aren't a Bush supporter.

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