Friday, May 13, 2005

How political correctness coarsens society

I am going to give a very small example from my own experience. Yesterday I had to run to the local big box retailer during lunch. As I walked up to the store, I noticed a woman in a big box retailer-provided wheel chair struggle to get the thing to roll across the parking lot. I walked in her direction to help, but along the way I changed my mind. Why did I change my mind when I was perfectly willing to help this person out? Because I didn't particularly feel like getting chewed out. I have no idea if this disabled woman would have chewed me out, but I've been chewed out before. I also was concerned about the wheel chair. It was rickety, and I didn't want something to happen that would end up finding me as the defendent in a lawsuit.

Am I a bad person for walking by? In that instance, I probably was. I certainly felt like a bad person. No one needs to hit me in the head with a bat to teach me being helpful can cause you endless headaches sometimes. The instinct of self preservation led me in this example to not dare tempt the PC god's though, and because of that, I contributed my little piece to a coarser society.

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