You had to see this one coming. Since 9-11, it has been very un-PC to even say Muslim and terrorist in the same sentence, even though Muslim terrorists are the highest profile terrorists in the world today. If you couldn't say the two words together, you certainly couldn't tell a fictionalized story where Muslims are terrorists. Hollywood has gone out of its way to avoid portraying Muslims as terrorists, instead portraying terrorists primarily as white Eastern Europeans, Germans, Irish, or Americans. 24, Fox's premier anti-terrorism series finally ran out of bad guys, and fictionally portrayed Muslim terrorists this year. That warm and cuddly group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) immediately got up in arms (no pun intended). To help assuage CAIR's concerns, Fox is making available to its affiliates PSA's which portray Muslims in a very positive light.
Here's a recommendation for CAIR: Work a little more on the "Islamic" side of things. Worrying about a fictional story accomplishes much less in the long run than ending the barbarism being perpetrated by immoral representatives of the Islamic faith who practice terrorism. Are terrorists a small minority of all Muslims? Yes. They are also just as dangerous to Muslims as they are to white, black, and brown Americans. Clean up your backyard, CAIR.
You tell em man. That is what they are and we should ship them all back to the land of Islam..
Damn, anonymous, you see a lot of words in that post that aren't really there. Are there glasses for that?
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