Monday, May 02, 2005

Maddening DSL

After work tonight I had to make a 35 minute drive to take pictures with my Little League team. After standing out in the cold for another 35 minutes, I had two stops to make before heading home, where I had missed dinner (I'd told the lovely Mrs. Jib that I'd be home at a certain time and I wasn't). After all that, all I wanted was slide into my recliner and blog. But wait! As happens periodically and with no notice, my internet connection was gone. There is a certain process to go through when this happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Tonight it didn't. So after an hour and a half of futzing, doing steps out of order, failing, and trying new orders, the connection comes back like a runaway dog who got tired of it's adventure-"Here I am! Love me, love me!" And like the dup I am for dogs, I give the connection the love, even though it has maddened me for an hour and a half. I feel so cheap.

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