Friday, March 24, 2006

Does Photoshop come with a spell checker?

This evening I worked on making a little graphic (see sidebar) that any interested bloggers can use to promote the Wisconsin Blogosphere Spring Fling. It should be noted that I gots no Photoshop skillz. So after teaching myself how to make, combine, and flatten layers, I was quite pleased with myself. I made the lovely Mrs. Jib look at the ad, and out of pity she lavished some praise on me. So I started working on how I was going to work it into the sidebar of Jiblog and the BBA. I posted it in a test post so it was hosted by Blogger, and then I went to work on the code. After spending a couple of hours on something a graphic artist could have done in about 10 minutes, and done better at that, I nearly cried. I made an error. The graphic said "Wiscosnin". That would have worked if it was about the accents of Wisconsin drunks.

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