Monday, August 30, 2004

Defeat it, or be defeated by it

When is much of the world finally going to understand? Unless they fight it, the only way any nation will be safe from despotic Islamist terror is by submitting to Islamic law and converting the populace to Islam. Surely France will find a way to blame this on the U.S., but that will be nothing more than an effort to muddy the very simple truth that this is battle that can't be won by cowardice. It's also a battle that France can't win without us, whether they like it or not.

1 comment:

Mediaskeptic said...

I think France is so arrogant they think they can avoid being a target. There's Mitterand's sanctuary for 100 Italian terrorists, and Paris was a safe place for exile for Ayatollah Khomeini where he planned the Iran revolution, and Paris was the Jackal's home base.

Then there are the former French colonies or protectorates, all major sources of terrorism or looney Marxism: Algeria, Syria, and Lebanon, Cambodia (Pol Pot), Indochina and Quebec (1970s). ETA Basque terrorists use France as a primary base.

A list of rogue governments that sponsor terrorism.

African countries supported by France who are Islamofascist. Sudan, Libya, and Uganda (under Idi Amin) Then there are the French oil interests in Iraq pre-invasion.

It's a safe bet the French aren't seriously worried. They ought to be. When the war on terrorism starts to defeat the terrorists, I suspect they will be madder at France than the U.S.