Monday, August 30, 2004

Kerry Daughters Booed, Part 2

Or the crowd could very well have been reacting to this story in the Miami Herald. Apparently Kerry recently lied to the faces of South Floridians when he said he voted for the Helms-Burton act when, in fact, he did not.

To quote the Hollies in regards to John Kerry: He's King Midas with a curse. He's King Midas in reverse.

1 comment:

Mediaskeptic said...

Interesting! He's such a poor liar, but then, unlike Clinton, he was in a safe Senate seat with the Boston Globe who wouldn't call him a liar if he claimed to be Mohammed Ali's sparring partner. Didn't help him practice his craft.

I don't know if any crowd who attend an MTv audience would even know what a Helms-Burton was. My instinct says they wouldn't. It's certainly possible, but not probable, I don't think.

I am surprised at the Miami Herald's tone, though. Wow. They really are disappointed in their guy, aren't they?