Thursday, August 19, 2004


Iran is a touchy subject right now. Discussion of Iran as a threat is politically unthinkable, even though it is a topic we should be visiting, and frequently. This article pieces together some scary things that make Iran look very threatening. There is a lot of information, buzz, out there about scary threats to the U.S., from possibly stolen Russian low yield nukes in al Qaeda hands to Syria holding Iraq’s WMD supply, and it is tough to tell what is legit and what is not. But remember this: While the youth in Iran may be friendly towards America, those in power are not. In fact, they want to see us destroyed, and have since 1979. Maybe this is a topic on which we should use some of that creative thinking that the 9-11 commission counciled us to use. If we are relying on the Iranian students to start a democratic revolution, we may be in for a long wait. How then do we deal with the threat? As Michael Ledeen says, hurry. Please.

Other Iran stories here, here. And this one is for the feminists.

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