Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Progessive v. Liberal

I've talked about this before, but I still haven't found a satisfactory answer. It is also turning into a massive pet peeve of mine. When the hell did liberal Democrats become "Progressives?" The Progressive label seems to have sprung up out of nowhere in the last 6 to 8 months. It irritates the living hell out of me, especially when those on the right side of the political spectrum use the term. Democrats have been out-marketing the Republicans for over 75 years now. The "progressive" label is just another example of it. Most Americans remember nothing of the real Progressive Era, so the term progressive becomes a positive word to replace liberal, which has taken on a very negative connotation.

Simple words have a powerful place in politics, and most people don't even realize it. There is nothing progressive about that which was liberal just 12 months ago, and the use of 'progressive' helps liberals mask that fact. In fact, it helps them re-brand the Democratic party as a party of vibrance and forward motion, when in fact it is the opposite. Republicans, please stop using that word!

The Democrats should campaign in 2006 with this slogan: The Democratic Party! Brand new Progressive packaging! Same old crummy ideas!

1 comment:

Paul said...

The Democrats are going to start "repackaging" themselves all over the place over the next two years.

I predict they will become "religious", "pro-gun", and "pro-life". They may even become anti-illegal alien.

However, all that will change is the plastic wrapper they cover themselves with.

Just like Hillary Clinton will try to re-package herself to look more conservative, deep down there is an unchangeable far left liberal just drooling at the idea of duping the public into thinking she's not.