Thursday, December 08, 2005

Jiblog history, and how I plan to revise it

A year and a half ago, I decided to start a blog. So I did start one--at Live Journal. I wrote one post there and then never touched it again. If you were to waterboard me, I still couldn't tell you the address of that first blog because I don't remember it. A couple of weeks later, I found my home at Blogspot. I tried to be cute naming this site, so I took one of my nicknames, Jib, and replaced the 'web' of weblog with it. I was being a little too cute, though. Too many people can't figure out whether this is Jiblog, JIblog, Jib blog, or as Jeff Jarvis once pronounced it, Jeeeeblog. That's the boring history of this site. But I have a plan to revise history to serve my goals.

In the post below, I mention the Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards, or Jib Awards. They have this wonderful little thing about the word Jib. It is so good that I want it for my own. Here is what they say about Jib:
The word JIB, besides being an acronym for Jewish and Israeli blog, also represents the small triangular sail of a sailboat, as compared to the main sails. The jib's role is to direct the wind into the main sail, just like a role of Jewish, Israeli, and pro-Israel bloggers is to direct world opinion in favor of Israel. And to really stretch the metaphor, the object of these awards is to direct new readers towards Jewish, Israeli, and pro-Israel blogs.
Here's how I plan to "requisition" it:
The word Jib, besides being the nickname for one hell of a guy, also represents the small triangular sail of a sailboat, as compared to the main sails. The jib's role is to direct the wind into the main sail, just like a role of this incredibly charming blogger is to direct world opinion in favor of his every whim.
Of course, if ever asked, I'll never admit that I manipulated history for my own selfish gains. I'll argue to the end that this revionist history is how it really happened.

(end cryptic criticism of historical revionism)

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