Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Question in re NSA eavesdropping

Am I the only person out there that already assumed that if I was communicating internationally, there was a reasonable chance that someone (U.S. or otherwise) might be eavesdropping on it? If we were talking about the U.S. eavesdropping on Aunt Milly jabbering with Uncle Ole here in Wisconsin, yeah, that would be concerning, but communications that cross the border of the United States are another matter all together. I don't expect that my international calls or emails have any kind of privacy what so ever. Not only are those communiques subject to eavesdropping in their countries of destination, they can be considered a subject of National Security domestically. It is good that were are having the conversation, because the conversation itself is something of a check on government power, but on the topic of international communications involving non-citizens, it is much ado about nothing.

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