Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I realize that this is a little late in the day, but I've been away from internet access. I've personally given much thanks for all of my blessings today, but there is one thanks that I think deserves to be on this site. As much as we political bloggers go after one another, I'm thankful that I live in a country where that is possible. We go through periods in the United States where we like to say that public discourse has become uncivil. As unpleasant as those periods are, I'll take the uncivil discourse over the alternative anytime.

I guess there is one more thing. I'd like to thank everyone who stops by to read Jiblog. I'm much appreciative of all of you, even when we disagree.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone, and if you have a little time on your hands, stop back by for new stuff here at Jiblog.

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