Sunday, November 20, 2005

Walmart and the $50 DVD player

The $50 DVD player at Walmart. It is quite popular right now for the left to bludgeon the American consumer with the words "insatiable desire" and "$50 DVD player at Walmart." I get a kick out of it everytime I see it. Why? Because Democrats and the left fancy themselves as the protector of the little guy, and they view WalMart as one of the evils bedeviling the little guy. It's an easy view for them to take, because many of them could afford that DVD player if it were $200-$300 dollars. The little guy they claim to represent couldn't afford that. Even if we indulged their fantasies and say that the wages of all of the little guys would rise if not for WalMart and its overseas purchases, what they fail to realize is the price of a lot of goods would rise at a higher percentage than the increase in wages. WalMart has brought many luxories to classes of people that could not afford them prior to WalMart, and that is why WalMart is the behemoth it is today.

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