Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nielsen spams my living room

Two weeks ago I received a call froma nice young woman at Nielsen. Despite the fact that I was a little annoyed that Nielson is allowed to call me despite my name being on the state and federal no call lists, I answered her questions. At the end, the young woman asked if I would help them by filling out their journal for a week. I said no. She then reminded me that this was a chance for me to represent my community. I again said no. So we politely ended our conversation.

Then last week I started getting mail from them. One of the pieces of mail was the journal and $5. This in spite of the fact that I said no to participating twice. If it were up to me, I'd have pocketed the five bones and tossed out the journal. It wasn't up to me, though. Upon receiving the $5, Mrs. Jib had some sort of guilt pang and decided that we would be filling out the journal.

Our survey period begins tomorrow. This afternoon I received another phone call from Nielsen to remind me to fill out the journal and how to do it. All of this despite the fact that I said no to participating quite clearly way back in the beginning. With Mrs. Jib acting as my conscience, we will be filling out the journal truthfully and acurately, but after receiving the unwanted phone calls and mailings, my first impulse is fill out the journal incorrectly. If my word isn't good with Nielsen, why should my journal be any different?

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