Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mike Nichols hits the nail on the head

Mike Nichols writes a great column in the Journal Sentinel today entitled "Speech's cost far higher than its value." The clincher:
I tried to reach a member of Whitewater's Native American Cultural Awareness Association Monday afternoon to see if maybe, now that they are throwing away a bunch of money on Ward Churchill, they would consider donating some money to a cause aimed at giving somebody a real education. He didn't answer his phone.

Maybe he was too busy wasting money on a guy nobody knew a month ago and won't remember a month hence - unlike Andrea Haberman.

Nichols puts today's events into perspective, and he puts a personal face on it that everyone should be thinking about tonight during the candlelight vigil for 9-11 victims. Read it.

The Journal Sentinel's heartbreaking story on Andrea Haberman from September 12th, 2001.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had the honor to meet Andrea's family, share in their heartbreak. No one should say such things as this man Churchill. No one should listen.