Saturday, November 26, 2005

Death penalty in Wisconsin, part I

The death penalty debate is returning to Wisconsin. A little later this week, I'll be posting on why I support bringing capital punishment back to Wisconsin. For the time being, I would like to just briefly touch on the subject of religion and capital punishment. It is well known that the Catholic Church does not support the death penalty. It is not as well known that the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod recognizes the right of government to impose the death penalty. You can read the LCMS's position here. Note that they allow individual church members the freedom to oppose the death penalty, but the church itself supports the death penalty. The LCMS is but a small portion of Christianity, but their position is a starting point for reading up on why and how a Christian can support capital punishment.

For the Record
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) opposes capital punishment (and is dang wordy about saying so).
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) supports capital punishment.

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