Monday, November 28, 2005

Fireside Chats, a different view point

From Mary Laney at the Chicago Sun-Times:
There's too much static noise out there regarding the war. It's filling a vacuum caused by the administration's failure to keep us regularly updated on what is happening throughout Iraq. It's time for the Bush administration to step up and tell us what is going on -- with regular reports, weekly updates, fireside chats, talks with soldiers -- through the entire country of Iraq.

We're getting our reports from hotel rooms in Baghdad.

It's time for the whole story from over there.

I stick by my position that Fireside Chats would only add to the static, but she brings up some interesting points in the article, as does Steve in the comments of my original post. The question becomes how do we get the stories from the boots on the ground to a mass audience of Americans? Blogs help, but blog readership is still small (in relative terms). The media has already shown us that it isn't interested in doing it. With the exception of the Bruce Willis project, ditto that last sentence for Hollywood. Must it be done via the President? If so, how do we do it without every last piece of the message becoming politicized?

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