Thursday, November 10, 2005

Unsatisfying flu shot

I got my flu shot today. In years past, I've taken some satisfaction in the fact that the dull pain in my arm meant that I wasn't going to get laid out be the flu that year. Today I ignored the bird flu and tried to find that happy place, and then I read this post by Warren Bell at The Corner:
If it's a numbers game, we're in bad shape. According to most estimates, birds number somewhere between 100 billion and 300 billion. People top out at 6.6 billion. In fact, there are more chickens than there are people. Start eating! As for the question "where are they?" the most common answer is "right above my car." But the only scientific-ish answer is that birds are everywhere (which may be why they scare me) but especially heavily concentrated near the South pole. Come back next week, when we play another edition of "Crush the One Who is Wrong."
Thank you, Mr. Bell. Now my arm hurts and I'm afraid I'm going to die.

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