Sunday, November 27, 2005

This isn't your father's Bose(mobile)

If you listened to Paul Harvey once, then you know about Bose's 'revolutionary' (and expensive) wave radio. But Bose isn't just about speakers anymore. Soon, Bose may be behind the suspension in luxury vehicles:
A childlike grin spreads across 76-year-old Amar Bose's face as the vehicle does something most can't: jump over the board, like a cat bounding over a fallen log.

The sedan's experimental, Bose-designed suspension, driven by four electromagnetic motors, had quickly pulled each wheel up, then down.

It's a stunt, triggered when the car passed over a reflective strip that activated a sensor linked to the suspension. But the feat hints at the more practical capabilities of a suspension system that is Amar Bose's answer to a longtime engineering challenge: giving a car good cornering capabilities without sacrificing a smooth ride.

Don't expect this technology in your Chevy anytime soon, but it may be on the higher end vehicles. It will reportedly cost $5000.

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