Saturday, April 22, 2006

April 22: Holiest of days for leftist whack jobs

Let's take a look at why today is the holiest of atheistic holy days for far leftists:

April 22, 1870: Vladimir Lenin born.
April 22, 1954: Senate Army-McCarthy hearings start (hey, every religion needs its persecutions)
April 22, 1970: Earth Day first observed.
April 22, 1994: Richard Milhouse Nixon dies.
April 22, 2000: Elian Gonzales raid sends little boy back to beloved Uncle Fidel.

As best I can tell, there is only one thing preventing this day from becoming an official leftist nut job pagan holiday: On this day in 1864, "In God We Trust" was authorized for use on American coins. It's still there. If and when they get that removed, leftists will be dancing and cavorting naked in the streets on each April 22nd. Nobody wants that.

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