Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Gospel of Judas

National Geographic is releasing the recently found Gospel of Judas, a 1700 year old text likely written by Gnostics.

The account goes on to relate that Jesus refers to the other disciples, telling Judas "you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me." By that, scholars familiar with Gnostic thinking said, Jesus meant that by helping him get rid of his physical flesh, Judas will act to liberate the true spiritual self or divine being within Jesus.

Unlike the accounts in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the anonymous author of the Gospel of Judas believed that Judas Iscariot alone among the 12 disciples understood the meaning of Jesus' teachings and acceded to his will.

This should be an interesting read. Just from that paragraph and a half alone, I'd have to say the authors would have made either great defense attorneys or political strategists in this day and age, given the way they work to acquit Judas of his actions.

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