Monday, April 17, 2006

Reviving the Los Angeles River

The Los Angeles River is one of the ugliest, oddest things I've ever seen. It'll interesting to see if these plans actually happen:
Angelenos at a series of 18 neighborhood meetings are suggesting ways to turn an ugly flood-control channel into a civic joy. Visions for greening the riverway include terracing and planting trees on the concrete walls, creating an inner-city beach for the East Los Angeles barrio and opening restaurants like those on the San Antonio River Walk that anchor the Texas city's $1.2 billion-a-year tourism industry.

"Reinventing the river will transform the urban landscape of Los Angeles," says Arthur Golding, an architect and river-improvement advocate. "Nobody's talking of restoring the river to pre-European-settlement times. But I think a lot of concrete can come out."

It will take a lot of effort to make that ugly channel of concrete look better.

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