Sunday, October 29, 2006

Congrats, condolences Cards

I'd like to start out by congratulating my old high school's football team. On Saturday, the Chi-Hi Cardinals upset previously undefeated Verona in the WIAA high school football playoffs 17-14. It was a game I wanted to attend but did not, and it sounds like it was a heck of an ending. Next up for the Cards is a venerable SPASH team.

Now for the condolences. Chi-Hi's longtime DECA advisor and marketing teacher Tim Lieding passed away from Hodgkin's disease. I knew Lieding as I had him as a teacher/advisor for two years. This was a guy who very easily could have had a dour outlook on life, as he had experienced more than his fair share of health problems. Instead students were treated to a guy who had an infectious enthusiasm, seemingly boundless energy, and a positive, free spirited approach to life. He was an influential person in the lives of many students who came through his program, and he will be missed.

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