Sunday, December 10, 2006

Watchdog Fort Atkinson

I am, above everything else, a national blogger. That is where I feel most comfortable in offering my opinion. I feel pretty comfortable at the state level as well, but when it gets to the local I feel completely out of my element. My roots are in another place and I am a transplant here, and I've never developed the connections and involved myself deeply in the local goings-on. That is exactly opposite of the way I should be but that's the way it is.

That's why I have so much respect for people who really get into the local issues. There is a new blog out there that is focusing in on my city, Fort Atkinson. I hope that 'Ellis Wyatt' finds enough material to work with to keep churning out posts at Watchdog Fort Atkinson. I enjoyed his second post at the site, "One Headline You Will Never See" (Fort Atkinson City Council Solves Global Warming). Good luck, Ellis. I'll be reading.

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