Thursday, February 24, 2005

Churchill & property damage

From the audio files Michelle Malkin is highlighting:
Churchill on getting revenge for speeding tickets: …And I’m not really comfortable with, since I’m presenting no public hazard ever when I’m ticketed, can attest to that, we can take that further at some point tonight if you’d like to, if you’d like to challenge it, but I’m presenting no public hazard, I’m simply being asked to ante up to pay for my own repression.

Not being comfortable with that, I have a rule of thumb: I smile very politely to the cop, take the ticket, look to see how much the fine is going to be, and before I leave that state, I make sure I cause at least that much property damage in state material before I go, so it’s a wash, boys and girls (laughter and applause).

I'm glad I'm not a police officer part of Churchill's security at Whitewater. And if the University finds property damage come March 2, they should probably check to see how many speeding tickets he got before he came to campus.

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