Monday, February 21, 2005

A neo-hippy fears glance into the future

Heh. Since the day I graduated from college, I've tried to avoid criticizing the writings of college newspaper reporters. These reporters are fairly young kids who aren't generally well rounded individuals yet, and I know that as many of them experience the real world, their journalistic work is going to improve (usually). I couldn't help but chuckle at Breezy Willis, an apparent neo-hippy wannabe Marxist in the Daily Cardinal, though. In a piece entitled "Overconsumption rears ugly head with wealthy alumni" one finds this beauty of a paragraph:
Typically, they are overly clean, and smell of laundry detergent, deodorant, cologne, perfume, lipstick, soap, hair dye, Rogaine, Viagra, blush and aftershave. Their hair is always neatly trimmed, and the men's faces are always scraped clean with razors on a daily basis, while the women's are painted unnatural Revlon hues.
Wow, where to start? Well, let's start with the hatred for cleanliness. Breezy, you can mate in college as a dirty, smelly neo-hippy because there are members of the opposite sex (or same sex, if ya swing that way) who are also dirty, smelly neo-hippies. (As an aside, I'm convinced that one pre-requisite to hippydom or neo-hippydom is actually a lack of olfactory senses). Once they graduate, most be people are slapped in the face by reality. Believe it or not, once you graduate, the act of paying your bills and feeding yourself actually becomes more difficult, even if you were a poverty ridden student. Filth tends to obstruct your ability to get a job that pays enough to meet those basic monetary needs. Cleanliness helps you attain basic monetary needs, and it also attracts sexual attention from potential post-college mates. So what I am saying is, if you want to ever eat or "get any" ever again once you leave college, you too will probably dip into such consumer sins as washing your clothes, shaving, slapping on some pit stick, and (gasp) even tossing on some cheap cologne!

The one curiosity I am left with is: Viagra has a smell? Is it a smell like garlic is a smell, or does it smell more like fear? Somebody help me out here.

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