Saturday, April 01, 2006

What were they thinking, Vol XLIV

Today's activities took us to Barnes & Nobles on the west side of Madison. We normally aren't Barnes & Nobles customers, but I do enjoy their bargain books. It seems like they always have a lot of interesting titles cheap. Today I came across one that intrigued me: Ronald Reagan Remembered. The book, which came with a DVD, was originally $29.99, but it was marked down to $6.99. The problem? Well, there were a couple. First, the book was published by Simon & Schuster, but it was compiled by CBS News and consisted of print stories (MSM) written about Reagan around the time of his death. Secondly, the DVD was narrated by Dan Rather. If you are going to sell a book that remembers Reagan, then your target market is people who liked Reagan, right? What do those people not like all that much? That's right, Dan Rather, CBS News, and a MSM that plays up negative Reagan stereotypes. At $29.99, the book didn't have much of a shot. For $6.99, I was willing to put up with Rather, stories with occasional anti-Reagan paragraphs casually inserted, etc. I'll venture to guess it wasn't all that profitable for Simon & Schuster, but I just wish that the DVD was set up so I could go directly to Reagan's famous speeches without seeing the Rather intros.

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