Monday, August 01, 2005

The P.C. pecking order

For those of you who are keeping score out there, let it be known that sex trumps religion in the politically correct hierarchy. It seems Jihad Daniel (what an odd name) was offended by a blast email sent to him by a professor at his university, in which he was invited to view a film on the lesbian lifestyle. Mr. Daniel was offended, and sent a private email off to the professor, telling her that he found lesbianism offensive and wished to be removed from the list. He now has a letter of reprimand for sexual harassment in his file.

Mr. Daniel should be thankful he's a Muslim and not a Christian. His email would have been grounds for acceptable capital punishment in the p.c. world if he were. Instead his example just illustrates that in the p.c. pecking order, sexual offenses beat religious offenses, even for non-Christians.

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