Van Bakel rightly points out that this is an amusing tactic. The concept of a “carbon footprint” is relatively new. Now we’re being told that in the Church of Global Warming the sinners can redeem themselves by purchasing credits against their transgressions.
Well, that’s “An Awfully Convenient Loophole” (I call movie rights on that one). How often have we been told that the science behind global climate changeis not exact? Yet, somehow we understand it enough to say that one tree equals X number of hair driers? If that’s really the case, shouldn’t we be able to calculate the environmental impact of all man kind?
Do you understand why it’s dangerous to the environmental movement to quantify global warming? If they did, it means that we could actually calculate how much change is actually necessary. We’d have an attainable (or not) goal of how many trees to plant and megawatts to convert to nuclear energy. Then, they’d all have to shut up because we’ve solved the problem.
Jiblog is the intellectual repository of a Midwestern, gas guzzlin', beer chuggin', one woman lovin', son of a bitch conservative.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Indulgences for a New Age
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thanks for the headache
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Half Hour News Hour
Hopefully my last Oscars comment of the night
Lest anyone criticize me for not changing the channel, let me say that I am being forced to watch against my will. Married men out there will understand where I'm coming from. I think tomorrow night I'm going to make her watch wrestling.
Academy Awards preach
DiCaprio just said the awards have "gone green". Is he kidding me? Gone green? How many tons of CO2 went into these awards, and getting people to and from the venue?
Update 2
To rip off South Park, the smug level in LA is at an all time high tonight.
I helped a few neighbors out by blowing their sidewalks, and the teamwork that they showed me was very nice to see. While I quickly cleared their water laden snow, they cleaned up the schnivels I left behind on my sidewalk and cleared the small walk up to my house. I've heard a lot of stories about the stupid and pig headed people who had trouble with the snow last night, but I've also heard a lot of stories about people helping one another. The difficult people make you shake your head, but the people helping each other more than makes up for it.
A great question
But then Cockburn continues:Notwithstanding this episode, Bush 43 still sometimes drew on his father's wide knowledge of the world. Though he refused to read newspapers, he was aware of criticism that his administration had been excessively beholden to a particular clique, and wanted to know more about them. One day during that holiday, according to friends of the family, 43 asked his father, "What's a neocon?"
"Do you want names, or a description?" answered 41.
"Well," said the former president of the United States, "I'll give it to you in one word: Israel."
Let's set aside the question of whether it's fair to describe neocons as caring only about Israel. (My own view is that it would have been unfair, and possibly anti-Semitic, 20 years ago, but that the neocon agenda has since dwindled to such an extent that by now it's an acceptable shorthand, if slightly risqué.) Instead, let's focus on the anecdote's suggestion that as recently as two and a half years ago, the president of the United States didn't know what neocon meant.
Can this possibly be true?
Noah goes on to give Bush a half hearted benefit of the doubt, noting that the President's question may have involved more involved than just a request for a definition.
It's possible that Bush fils was not asking Bush père to define a term whose meaning was unfamiliar to him, but rather inviting a ruminative conversation about the category's proper parameters. If Irving Kristol were to ask me, "What's a neocon?", he wouldn't be demonstrating ignorance of the term's meaning. He'd be initiating a lively give-and-take about the movement's nature and evolution.
People who think highly of their own intelligence, particularly those on the left, have "misunderestimated" this President's intellectual capacity since day one. Noah goes onto do just that in this article by backing off of the statement above. I'm inclined to think that this explanation by Noah is correct. I've asked myself that question every time I've heard "neocon" for the past five years. It is a reasonable question to ask because "neocon" has been hijacked by the left and shorn of any of its original meaning. Today, it is little more than a pejorative term used by the left to try to dirty anyone on the right who supports the war in Iraq, and it works because since the dawn of the Neo-Nazis, anything with "Neo" in front of it tends to frighten people. In a sense, the left has claimed the term neocon as it's own and the meaning of the word shifts according to the political needs of the person using it. Given that, I too ask, what's a neocon?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Live from the WJIB Super Storm Team Dopplar 7 Winter Center Weather Deck
Cancel church?!
Happy Lent from James Cameron
Digging for controversy, the Titanic filmmaker James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici are about to stun Christians the world over with a docu-drama that claims archaeologists have located the casket of Jesus.
The inscribed box, with some human remains still inside, apparently was crammed into an old cave near Talpiyot, an industrial zone in Jerusalem, alongside nine other two thousand year-old sarcophagi allegedly containing the bodies of Mother Mary, the carpenter Joseph, a little-known brother called Jofah, Mary Magdalene, and, most surprisingly of all, Jesus's son Judah, who technically could be considered the grandson of God.
It sounds like Cameron is going to hold a press conference on this on Monday. It does pay to note the timing of this. Cameron just happened to roll this out at the beginning of Lent, which will probably ensure that it will remain a topic of conversation until Easter and generate ample publicity for his documentary on this story, which will be on the Discovery Channel prior to Easter.
Rage against nature
I may let the lovely Mrs. Jib talk me out of that one later, even though it seems like a damn good idea right now.
Those primates are getting cleverer
Chimpanzees 'hunt using spears'
The vision that came to mind? Chimps sending Britney and her umbrella out to get dinner. The celebrity obsession of the news is starting to rot my brain.
My dream USB gadget
Round One to Mother Nature
Friday, February 23, 2007
Squishy Joe
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Random throw-away thoughts
*Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle still looks like Droopy Dog, only less cool.
*Las Vegas was a violent place during the recent NBA All-Star weekend, but if you thought that was bad, wait until next year when the NBA All-Star game heads to New Orleans. What's next for the game, Detroit during Halloween?
*You can tell that your cat is really not feeling well when, faced with the option, it throws up on a hard floor instead of punishing you by doing it on the carpet.
*I've noticed there are a lot of Dayight Savings Time haters out there. Well, consider me a Standard Time hater. I'll take that hour of light in the evening over the hour of light in the morning every time.
*It seems like everyone I know is fleeing to warmer places this weekend. This clearly means that I'm going to have to suffer through miserable weather this weekend with nothing to do.
*I still don't get the gyroball.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
5 songs playing
1. Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
2. The Dance - Garth Brooks
3. Snoopy vs. The Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen
4. Danny's Song - Kenny Loggins
5. Fat Bottom Girls - Queen
Bravo, Prince Harry
Prince Harry will almost certainly be deployed to carry out a tour of duty in Iraq, according to Whitehall sources.
The prince would be the first senior royal to serve on the front line since Prince Andrew in the Falklands in 1982.
His regiment, the Blues and Royals, is expected to be told it will serve in Iraq as part of the latest round of UK troop deployments.
Godspeed to Harry and all troops deploying to Iraq.
Freezing nature in time
Save the Italian wines from global warming!
Imagine a world where Scandinavia produces wines to rival Italy's fabled Chianti region. It could come to just that by the end of the century, experts in Italy warn, if global warming continues unchecked.A study by Florence University linking the effects of rain and temperature to wine production found that increasingly high temperatures and intense rains are likely to threaten the quality of Tuscan wines. Italy's farmers association warned the cultivation of olive trees, which grow in a mild climate, has almost reached the Alps.
"This rise in temperatures will continue in the next years, and they will be too high and unfavorable for the quality of wine," because they cause the grapes to over-ripen, said Simone Orlandini, an agronomist at Florence University and co-author of the study.
Let's say the earth warms to the extent the doomsayers predict. People will adapt-we're pretty good at it, and it is a lot easier for us to adapt to more warmth than more cold. I for one look forward to a good Norwegian wine.
John Tyler was born in 1790. Lyon Gardiner Tyler, his fourteenth child of fifteen (eight children by his first wife, seven by his second) was born in 1853, when President Tyler was 63. Harrison Tyler, Lyon Tyler’s fifth child of six (three children by each of his two wives) was born in 1928, when Lyon Tyler was 75. And Harrison Tyler, now 79, still inhabits Sherwood Forest Plantation, the Tyler family home.
From grandfather to grandson, 217 years…and counting.
For the record, John Tyler was born while Washington was still alive, and his presidency lasted from 1841 to 1845. I'm not sure I can count the number of generations that have passed in my family during that time.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Backwards fence logic
Some experts worry that new barriers would only encourage would-be crossers to find other ways to get across—for instance, by using forged documents or by hiding in vehicles and crossing at legal crossing points. "Barriers make it more difficult to cross, of course," said Koslowski. "But more barriers between the ports of entry will drive people through those ports; they will figure out more clandestine ways of hiding."
Okay, where is the negative in all that? Right now people are wandering across the border unnoticed. By forcing them through the ports of entry, we are accomplishing a few things. First, we are increasing the odds an illegal will be caught. That means smuggling will get more expensive and the likelihood of success will drop, decreasing the number of people who even try to cross illegally. Secondly, by forcing them to sneak across at the border crossings, we at least have a shot of catching them and while at the same time reducing the total amount of manpower needed to enforce the border. This is not going to lead to a vast increase in illegal documentation because that is already rampant amongst illegal immigrants. It also is not going to appreciably increase the danger to illegals in the long term. Hiding in a vehicle is very dangerous, and it isn't going to take long for most potential illegal immigrants to figure out that it isn't worth the risk to try.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The kid's a fighter
Amillia Sonja Taylor was just 9 1/2 inches long and weighed less than 10 ounces when she was born Oct. 24. She was delivered 21 weeks and six days after conception. Full-term births come after 37 to 40 weeks.
"We weren't too optimistic," Dr. William Smalling said Monday. "But she proved us all wrong."
Neonatologists who cared for Amillia say she is the first baby known to survive after a gestation period of fewer than 23 weeks. A database run by the University of Iowa's Department of Pediatrics lists seven babies born at 23 weeks between 1994 and 2003.
The March of the Penguins
1. My children will never see this movie because I can't afford the psychiatric bill.
2. I will never allow the lovely Mrs. Jib to watch this movie again. I cannot afford the Kleenex bill and I'm not very good at hooking up an IV when she gets dehydrated like this.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Girls wrestling boys
Nationwide, about 5,000 high school girls wrestled last year, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations, nearly five times as many as a decade earlier. Those numbers are no doubt low, since many states failed to report girls’ wrestling participation, but whatever the full count, it is dwarfed by the quarter-million boys who wrestle.
I don't doubt that the girls are fully capable of competing with the boys, and I'll pass along a personal anecdote to that effect. I did not wrestle, but I had a little bit of wrestling training and a there were a few people who wanted to wrestle. One day a female friend of mine was feeling full of "girl power" decided that she wanted to wrestle and gave me no choice in the matter. I found her to be stronger than I anticipated and her flexibility was a big advantage (this was all clean and on the up and up for those of you with less than pristine minds). After that experience, I did not doubt that they could compete with boys in that sport, even if many are at a certain strength disadvantage.
The mixed gender part of the wrestling can be very uncomfortable for some guys, though, especially those who grow up in families that emphasize traditional values. From the Times:
Occasionally, boys choose to forfeit rather than wrestle a girl, as happened at a Dobbs Ferry High School exhibition match this season, leaving Sophia Veiras, a sophomore, with no one to fight.
“It’s always a little intimidating for the boys at first,” said Jamie Block, the coach at the school, in Westchester. “They’re raised not to do this to a girl. And the thing about Sophia is, she’s very good. If you don’t really fight, she’ll pummel you. The girls who come out for wrestling now, they go to wrestling camps in the summer. They’re serious.”
A friend of mine was a top wrestler in the state in his weight class. Every year he was a favorite going into the state tournament. He refused to wrestle the girls, period, and would forfeit the occasional match he'd have against one. It wasn't sexism. He and his coach (his father) just chose for him not to wrestle girls because it went against what they believed. Even in a competitive environment, it was not right to do this to a girl. I'll say from my own free-lanced experience, it is very uncomfortable for a boy. Wrestling hurts, and you don't want to do things that hurt girls. In some cases, this does give girls an added mental advantage against the boys. Maybe that just balances out the strength difference, but there is something about it that just doesn't feel kosher. My friend had the luxury of taking a blemish or two on his record each season. Not all of the boys have that luxury and have to do something they'd prefer not to.
I am a proponent of girls playing sports with boys when they are good enough to do so. Growing up playing baseball, we had a girl in our leagues who was better than most of the boys. In fact, one year she hit a double in a tough situation that knocked my team out of a tournament. If she had chosen to try out for the high school baseball team and made because of her ability, I'd have been pleased because it would have made our team better (she went out for softball instead). Wrestling is the one sport where coed competition leaves me very uncomfortable, though. The one on one nature and the pain that comes with it change the dynamics of coed sporting competition.
Gone racin'
Things I'll never do, Volumer 31, Number 97
Now I'm no ice prude. I grew up in this state and I've spent plenty of time on lake ice. I've even fallen through ice before, although I and my uncle were able to drag ourselves out. But you couldn't pay me to play on river ice. It isn't as stable or as thick as lake ice, and once it is covered in snow, it gets tougher to tell what parts of ice are and are not safe. Yet many people go out and tempt fate on the river ice, often times snowmobiling right over very bad ice under bridges. I hope it is fun for everyone that does it, but you won't catch me out there.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Smartest thing I've ever read at FARK
Well, Blanco didn't ask for the national guard until it was much, much too late. I for one prefer having local government decide when the military moves into an American city. Unless anyone in this thread wants Bush to have the legal authority to "cross the Rubicon" shut the fark up. The last thing we need is Bush and ilk (or any president) to have the authority to mobilize the national guard domestically without proper authority. Blanco and Nagin are far worse than Bush on that issue, and that says more than anything else I could type would.
/The less power a president/any president has in regard to local issues the better.
The commenter has this dead on, but way too many people don't understand the dynamics of local, state, and the federal government today. You can call it a failure of the educational system or call it the elevation of the Feds to near godly status, and either way I'll probably agree with you. New Orleans and Katrina was a catastrophic failure of the local and state governments to do their jobs, and a prime but sad example of what happens when you expect the Federal government to do the jobs of the more local governments.
From a childless man looking towards parenthood
And off they went again, at the tops of their lungs—which they will do, I now know, until Quinn clobbers Dixie with a hair brush or Dixie rakes her fingernails across Quinn's chest or some near-mortal wound is inflicted. Earlier this very day, seeking solace, I described their strange case over lunch to a good friend who happens to be a social psychologist. "Do you know the data on siblings across species?" he asked, before I was even half done. I didn't. "Oh yeah," he said. "Half the time they kill each other." He ran through a few species: Sand-shark siblings eat each other in their mother's oviducts; hyena siblings eat each other the minute they get out. The blue-footed booby is especially ruthless: "If their siblings drop below 80 percent of normal body weight," he explained, "they peck 'em to death." That would be Dixie, whose teeth marks can now be found on her sister's legs.
People would occasionally tell me when I was young that I was smart/wise beyond my years. I guess that would explain why I never yearned for a sibling. I didn't want to have to kill them. But now I wonder how I'm going to be abel to prevent it in my kids. (Can I get a nomination for bad pun of the year, please?)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Go Hillary!
Minnesota Senator Franken?
NY Al [Myrna Blyth]
Saw that Al Franken just announced that he is running for senator from Minnesota. Kind of surprising since he is my neighbor on 81st and Riverside Drive, just around the corner from that fine lutefisk establishment, Zabar's. In fact, I ran into Al just the other day and he said he couldn't stop and talk because he was rushing to get a haircut. Guess he feels he is good enough for the people of Minnesota but a Minneapolis haircut is not good enough for him. That New York haircut looked great in his announcement!
Heh. The lutefisk reference was a nice touch.
Where it's at for Detroit
Simply cutting is not enough, analysts said. All the Detroit companies need to build appealing cars in flexible plants that can shift according to buyers’ tastes.
Don't get me wrong; I've said before that cuts are necessary for the Big Three and I'm sticking with that, but all three need to do a better job of designing vehicles the market wants. Cuts allow them to do that cost efficiently, and it needs to be done. The Big Three have another obstacle to overcome, though, too. Branding seems to be the bastard child of marketing these days, but the Big Three need to invest in it. There are too many car buyers in this country today who dismiss American vehicles out of hand. The Big Three have focused so much on the idea of American blue collar vehicles that they have lost site of a growing market that wants to feel like they bought an incredible, slightly exotic vehicle for their money. European and, to a lesser extent, Asian automakers have benefited from Detroit's neglect of that market, which has grown with American affluence.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wisconsin capitol goes red
Giuliani leaks not all bad for his '08 bid
Global warming hearing cancelled due to winter weather
Happy Valentine's Day
For all the lonely singles out there, take a risk tonight. Ask a stranger to dance with you, or talk to someone that maybe you wouldn't normally. Ya never know.
For all of you angry feminists out there, enjoy your Vagina Monologues. I'll even pass up the opportunity to pick on the V-Ms today.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Dutch are messed up
Dutch primary school teacher who is dying of cancer is overseeing one last project among her beloved pupils - they are making a coffin for her.
Eri van den Biggelaar, 40, has just a few weeks left to live after being diagnosed last year with an aggressive form of cervical cancer. Always popular at school, she asked the arts and crafts teacher to build a casket for her.
If you think back to your own shop classes during your school years, you just know that they are going to go to close the lid on the thing and it won't shut because of bad measurements.
Mitt's in
Muqtada vacations in Iran
Chimp advances
Chimpanzees may have been using stone "hammers" as long as 4,300 years ago. An international research team, led by archaeologist Julio Mercader of the University of Calgary, Canada, said Monday it had uncovered the hammers, dated to that time, in the West African country Ivory Coast. It would be the earliest known use of tools by chimpanzees.The hammers were used to crack nuts, a behavior still seen in chimps in that area, the researchers said in a paper in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The finding may indicate that a "chimpanzee stone age" began in ancient times, the researchers say.
Good for the chimps, but I won't be impressed until they can open a bottle of beer with a bottle opener, successfully operate a remote control, and convince the female chimp in their lives to let them watch football on Thursday night, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and Monday night. Then and only then will I welcome them as brothers. Anybody can fling poop; only man can fling bull poop well enough to let his wife let him get fat watching football 4 days a week.
From The Land of Milk and Honey Weiss


The Rainbow Bridge is a great subject in the fall when the leaves are at peak color, and it is also quite good early in winter before the creek freezes. I had to get this shot, though, because they are debating whether to repair or rip down this memorable bridge located just down the hill from where I spent my early childhood.
Chicks dig the long ball
The commercial is great in and of itself, but a little background is required. I am a Brewers fan, but for a long time I got away with being a Braves fan as well. They were in different leagues then, which made it easy. In my late teens, I was told by two different (and seriously misguided) strangers that they thought I looked like Tom Glavine. Before the lovely Mrs. Jib even became my girlfriend, I told her this and she was able to see the comparison. In our pre-dating courtship period, she even watched a Braves World Series game with me and successfully pretended to be interested (she looked incredible that night, too). Glavine became her favorite baseball player until he ditched the Braves for the Mets, by which time I was about 40 pounds heavier and no long bore much resemblance at all to the former hockey player. But when this commercial came out, it was a favorite of both of ours. We still drop a "Step into it!" or a "Cy Young winners over here!" during appropriately humorous times. So not only does it hold great baseball memories for me, it holds great memories of the history of the lovely Mrs. Jib and I. Enjoy.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Dixie Chicks' big night
Time for a great pep talk
Pending North Korea deal?
There is new hope that North Korea may be nearing a nuclear disarmament agreement. A compromise was reached that would give North Korea one million tons of fuel oil and electricity, ABC News' Martha Raddatz has learned.The major sticking point in the six-party-talks in Beijing had been North Korea's demand for an energy package. The country had requested two million tons of fuel oil and two million kilowatts of power before it would agree to begin shutting down its nuclear program.
While the deal gives North Korea half of what it initially demanded, it's twice as much fuel oil as was offered to Kim Jong Il during the Clinton adminstration's 1994 U.S.-North Korea disarmament agreement. That deal would have sent 500,000 tons of fuel oil a year to North Korea, but it was squashed five years ago when North Korea was accused of conducting a secret uranium enrichment program.
You'll have to pardon me for not dancing in the street. I have no doubt that this deal will be broken eventually, too. It's North Korea's M.O. It isn't a matter of if, it is a matter of when. The nuclear program will go silent for a while. Then, a little way into this fuel aid, the North Koreans will feign offense at something and quietly start it right back up again. But hey, if this deal gets done, it let's us pretend that there isn't a problem on the Korean peninsula for a little while, and that's what the world is about today, isn't it? Pretending problems don't really exist?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Back in town with a brand new Blogger
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Jiblog weekend roadtrip
Also, I'd like to congratulate Dennis York, aka Christian Schneider, on his new opportunity. Good luck, Dennis/Chris.
One other note for readers and BBA members: The next time I sign into blogger, Jiblog and the BBA will be forced over to new Blogger. I apologize for any technical difficulties that may arise.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Random thought, Clinton edition
The aging of Jib
Then I read this story tonight. It appears that the great-tailed grackle is a unique sight here in Wisconsin. At the mention of the word grackle, my mind flashed back to the grackles from the bird feeder this summer. I'm ashamed to admit that I was excited at the thought that some rare bird to the area had visited my bird feeder. I hurriedly went back through my photos to see if the great-tailed grackle had made a pit stop at the Jib homestead. I studied the photos, only to determine that it wasn't the great-tailed grackle but rather the common grackle that had made my backyard home for a short time. I was disappointed.
This lead me to one conclusion. If not for the presence of the lovely Mrs. Jib in my life, I would now be living the life of a 70 year old man, spending all of my free time at the park feeding bread crumbs to the pigeons. Just the same, it is in my future, my genes. My father, who has has my mother in his life, is migrating towards the birds. They have more bird feeders per square foot of property than anyone I know. So if you see me muttering to myself in the park and tossing bread crumbs in the near future, please walk away. I don't want you to see me that way.
1950's "Duck and Cover" advice made sense
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Almost back to the 9/10 world
Why the surprise?
"Anna Nicole's dead!"
"What!? Dead dead?"
"Yeah, she died this afternoon."
I'm going be looked upon as cold and heartless here (I know because I've gotten funny looks twice already for saying this), but why are any of us surprised? If you had ever seen her reality TV show once, or any of her numerous interviews, you had to know this woman dealt with life by copiously numbing herself with drugs. Her young death is sad, but it can't be surprising. The writing has been on the wall with her for a long time. What would be a surprise is if it wasn't the drugs that killed her.
The end of anti-perspirant as we know it
For women, apparently there's nothing like the smell of a man's sweat.
Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley said women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced elevated levels of an important hormone, along with higher sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects.
What I don't understand is why, given this study, the lovely Mrs. Jib finds my sweaty laundry so distasteful. Stale sweat must ruin the effect.
More Unsolicited Advice
1. Quit your job. It has always been in your way, anyway. Now you'll have that extra 8 hours a day for blogging and the big money that bloggers make.
2. Content is important, but if you are in a bind, pictures and videos will tide you over. Nobody will notice!
3. Feel free to be a sporadic blogger. After all, it's you blogging! The people will come regardless!
4. Suck up to the big bloggers. Previous waves of bloggers have relied on this strategy, and the big bloggers really, really love it when you do so.
5. Cute cat pictures=winner!
6. Take up drinking. Yeah, it may get you in trouble once in a while, but you can always go into rehab and plead for forgiveness.
7. I didn't believe this one either until I saw it, but posting pictures of ugly politicos in banana hammocks works. Seriously.
8. If you choose to blog on Blogger, non-Blogger bloggers will expect you to blog your blogpologies for the blogferior blog service you use. You can complain about Blogger all you want, but never apologize for being a cheapskate like the rest of us here.
9. Work the word blog into posts and create new bloggy words as much as you can-people love it. Make it your quest to write a sentence that uses "blog" in every word (AKA Bloglatin; see #8).
10. Imitate the Instpaundit style of excerpting and linking with little or no analysis. There is never enough of that out there.
11. Be prepared for the fame and fortune that is destined to you from blogging!
I should note that most of the above is tounge in cheek, with a few grains of truth. If you rely on Owen's advice, you'll do well for yourself. If you rely on mine, I really can't be held responsible for the results.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Stick a fork in Ford, they're done
Ford Motor Co. might hope resurrecting the once-mighty Taurus name will help reverse lackluster sales and a lack of desirable cars. One analyst says it's a good start but the automaker has a long way to go. Ford will rename its slow-selling Five Hundred model the Taurus, a name Ford previously had used for a car that became the nation's top-seller, two company officials said Tuesday.
You can call a turd a rose, but it still smells like a turd. The Five Hundred isn't selling well, and it isn't because of its name. It isn't selling well because Ford, like the other U.S. manufacturers, tries to cut corners on the construction/materials of the vehicle in order to make up for their labor cost disadvantage with the Japanese car makers in particular. That means when you pop $20,000 plus for a new car like the Five Hundred from a U.S. manufacturer, it feels cheaper than a similarly priced car from a non-U.S. manufacturer and thus the purchase feels less satisfying. By bringing back the Taurus name, Ford is futilely trying to treat one of the symptoms of its illness, but is doing nothing to address the root cause of the illness. I know that for a lot of autoworkers for the Big 3, their jobs (and the resulting wages and benefits) are their American Dream. Their short-sightedness is stunning, though. The labor market has changed, as it always does, and their plump compensation/benefits today are the thing that is going to poison their golden goose.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Miserable cold
For some reason, the cold gets more annoying the older I get. It was just 14 or 15 years ago when we got hit with a cold snap like this and my friends and I went outside to beat the hell out of each other in yard football, never thinking twice about how cold it least until after the games when I'd have to thaw my cold, painful extremities in a hot bath. Now that I'm a little older, I wouldn't dare spend a couple hours outside playing football. If anything, the cold now gives me an appreciation for why Russians drink.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Mother Nature's wicked sense of humor
What, you thought old Joe had a chance?
Mr. Biden is equally skeptical, albeit in a slightly more backhanded way, about Mr. Obama. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
There have been two strains of commentary on this. One looks at how that quote can be interpreted differently than it appears, and one that talks about how this affects his presidential candidacy. Okay, now let's stop right there and consider a couple of things. First, Joe Biden is a blubbering ass. I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that this quote should have been edited to include a comma before "who," or that by clean he means politically clean (see 1st comment). This is the same Joe Biden who 6 months ago said, "you cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without an Indian accent." He is a moron of the first degree, and I do not believe that he meant today's comment any differently than it reads. Second, for those who are discussing how it affects his candidacy-you actually thought his candidacy was going to last past New Hampshire? He was going to be done early without this stupid quote. That is not going to change.