Friday, January 13, 2006

From the 'bad idea' files

I can't help but think that, while there are excellent individual teachers out there, the overall quality of teachers is at an all time low. Here is another example of a teacher who does something stupid:

A high school research assignment on Internet pornography was canceled after parents in this Cleveland suburb complained.

Superintendent Jeff Lampert said that although the teacher's apparent goal _ to discuss the harmful effects of pornography _ was well- intentioned, he agreed with parents that the assignment was inappropriate for 14- and 15-year-old freshmen at Brooklyn High.

The teacher is going to get away with this without facing any punishment. The assignment was to research pornography on the internet, list 8 facts, and share their personal feelings and experiences with it. Think about that for a moment. Researching pornography on the net. I dare anyone out there to research porn on the net without happening upon many pages that are supposed to be restricted to those over 18 years of age. And asking 14 and 15 year olds to share their personal experiences with porn? Come on. What kind of a teacher makes this assignment? It is an a assignment that might be appropriate in a University setting. It is completely inappropriate at the secondary level.

This story dove tails with John Stossel's Stupid in America on 20/20 tonight.

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