-I think Fair WisconsinÂs intentionally misleading campaign against the marriage amendment backfired in some regards. IÂve talked with a number of people who were undecided and sympathetic to gay marriage who ended up voting yes to the amendment. The reason? They disliked Fair WisconsinÂs tactics and that pushed them from on the fence to yes. It didnÂt necessarily change the outcome, but it widened the gap.
-IÂm tired of hearing about bi-partisanship. Issues and ideas are not like porridges. You cannot mix a hot bowl with a cold bowl to come up with a tasty warm bowl. Issues and ideas usually donÂt have utopian middle grounds, and when middle ground is found, the result is usually worse than the original ideas.
-Every Blue Dog has its day. In fact, right now a number of Blue Dogs find themselves in very advantageous positions.
-This election, soon to be discovered by the nut roots, dragged the Democratic party towards the center. With no strong conservative Presidential candidates in the wings for 2008, will that election drag the Republican party towards the center, too?
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