Jiblog is the intellectual repository of a Midwestern, gas guzzlin', beer chuggin', one woman lovin', son of a bitch conservative.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Bush speech
The gas situation
If we want to get out of this upward spiral, everyone needs to take their fingers off the panic button. Continue to gas your car up as you usually do. Don't hit the gas station every day. If there are lines at a "cheap" gas station, chalk it up as a loss and hit the gas station down the street that doesn't have anyone at the pumps.
Hurricane Katrina dealt a small blow to our energy supply, and we are going to be paying more for our petroleum products for a little while. We are beginning to create an unnecessary crisis by panicking, though. Take a deep breath, because we are going to be alright. Let's just hope that in the face of this perceived shortage, the human nature to hoard doesn't kick in. If people start hoarding gasoline, it is going to put a lot of pressure on supplies.
Trapped Katrina victims
State OES has learned that trapped victims on the Gulf Coast are calling family, friends, loved-ones, or anyone they can get a call out to in California asking for someone to rescue them. These requests need to go immediately to the US Coast Guard's Rescue Line at 800-323-7233 and immediate assistance will be sent.
Please distribute this information as widely as possible.
Why I love Che t-shirts
I think after Castro dies, I'll start a line of Fidel baseball jerseys. That should get the old dictator spinning nicely.
My appreciation for Che shirts is recent, and I have a nagging feeling that I owe someone props for my change of heart. If it was you, please let me know so I can appropriately credit you for planting that seed in my brain.
Failure v. feelings
No cut policies have come about because of two reasons. One is that schools are afraid of litigation from parents whose children are cut. The far larger reason is that liberal empathy leaves school boards and administrations distraught over the fact that failure may ding the self esteem of kids. That mindset is a problem. There may be no better learning experience in life than a good case of failure. Failure burns. It hurts. But it also teaches you that you need to give your 100% best at all times. If failure comes after 100% effort, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, and you reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses and move onto something that you can succeed at. You learn what you didn't do right, and also how to not repeat those mistakes. Failure is also a huge source of motivation. Once you've felt the burn of failure, you do not want to repeat it, and you find new resources within yourself to make sure that it never happens again. The only thing no cut policies teach is that it is okay to be mediocre because someone else will always be protecting you feelings. That lesson will not serve most kids in the real world, because once kids finally end there life as students, they will enter a dog eat dog world that does not easily tolerate mediocrity.
I'm sure this article by Smith, which ended with the words, "Sometimes, there's no real way to know the true cost of saving money," is just another political jab from the Madison newspapers to create public support for increasing funding for Wisconsin schools. That is something I'll address at a later date (believe me, I'm all for well funded schools in this state-if done wisely & efficiently). I also think that Smith actually believes we need to protect kids from failure while they are in school. In truth, we should be giving students every opportunity to fail at something while they are in school. It is better that they learn the lessons of failure during high school and not later on when it will have a much more negative impact on their lives.
A time for rescue & recovery, and a time to rebuild and reflect
San Francisco 1906
- Large, vibrant metropolitan areas are the focus of both disasters, although severe damage from both are/were spread over large areas.
- Both disasters were a product of people building major metropolitan areas in areas highly suceptible to disaster, in part due to their man made environment. In San Francisco, it was partly due to buildings built on loose fill. In New Orleans, it is due to building a city below sea level, protected only by levees and pumps.
- While the initial disasters were bad, it was the aftermath that made them the disasters they are. In San Francisco, it was an uncontrollable fire. In New Orleans, it is flooding that came after the storm.
- The severity of the disasters brought out the worst in people in both places. Both experienced looting and lawlessness. Both were placed under martial law. In San Francisco, a shoot to kill order was made against looting. Hopefully things will not got to that extent in New Orleans.
- The human disaster in both is mind numbing. In both cities, large portions of the population will be left with little more than the shirts on their backs until rebuilding can begin.
- Both cities will have seen re-engineering of the city to make it safer against future disasters. San Francisco came back bigger and stronger than ever. I believe that when all is said and done, New Orleans will as well. Both cities will forever be extremely vulnerable to these types of disasters, despite the best efforts of man to mitigate those risks.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Fire dampened
Laura at Dummocrats lives in the area being flooded by the broken levee. Read what she has to say about it-she says some things that I believe many of us are thinking but don't feel it is our place to say right now. And remember her and her family in your thoughts & prayers.
New Orleans
The Crazy Randomness of Samantha Burns
Site updates
A story that never gets 'old'
Yep, they support the troops all right
"We went by there one day and I drove by and [the anti-war protesters] had a bunch of flag-draped coffins laid out on the sidewalk. That, I thought, was probably the most distasteful thing I had ever seen. Ever," Pannell, a member of the Army's First Cavalry Division, told Cybercast News Service.Kevin Pannell, as the left would say, has "absolute moral authority" on this issue. After all, he himself lost both legs in a grenade attack and has had to deal with protests as a patient. Of course, a normal person should not need Pannell's opinion to see how gortesque and unsupportive of the troops these protests are.
"You know that 95 percent of the guys in the hospital bed lost guys whenever they got hurt and survivors' guilt is the worst thing you can deal with," Pannell said, adding that other veterans recovering from wounds at Walter Reed share his resentment for the anti-war protesters."
Random hurricane thoughts
*The MSM (and some blogs, I might add), are simply morbid. The sensationalist reporting on this storm is enough to make a person gag. In fact, I have a term for it-environmental apocolypsism. Now that New Orleans has been spared from people sharing telephone poles with fire ants, it seems the media is moving on to type of sensationalism-economic apocolypsism.
*This would be a justified example of tapping the strategic oil reserves, but I'm still inclined not to do so. While another sharp increase in gasoline prices may be difficult for Americans to deal with economically and psychologically, it may also be the shock needed for the energy market to go through some necessary reorganization. I am betting that once this shock wears off, we'll see a strong and steady decrease in the price of a barrel of oil.
*It's nice to see reporters are still hungry to make their mark, but I will always question the judgement of an individual who stands in 140 mph hour winds to give a live report. This annoying little reporting formula will continue until a reporter gets impaled by debris during a live report.
*If I see one more Katrina and the Waves pun, I'm going to start going .38 Special on some media heinies.
I'm loosening up on my criticism of "apocolypsism" now that New Orleans is being inundated by the waters of Lake Ponchartrain. New Orleans may have been spared the worst case scenario, but it definitely isn't having things easy.
Look out Hasselhoff
Monday, August 29, 2005
CNN sensationalism
"So, imagine you're the poor person who decides not to evacuate: Your house will disintegrate around you. The best you'll be able to do is hang on to a light pole, and while you're hanging on, the fire ants from all the mounds -- of which there is two per yard on average -- will clamber up that same pole. And, eventually, the fire ants will win."All I can do is roll my eyes. The story also says this could be America's "Asian Tsunami." A severe hurricane like this is scary enough without MSM outlets going off of the deep end.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Where I've been
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Will New Orleans dodge a bullet?
Hopefully the people of New Orleans have the good common sense to get the hell out of dodge this weekend. But from those I've talked with in the past, and from what I've read, there will be way to many people who try to ride out this storm. Given it's low altitude, that is extremely dangerous.
Stolen truckload of aviation fuel
Judged by the company you keep
Friday, August 26, 2005
Bill Richardson, tough on illegal immigration
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson will use a meeting with his Chihuahuan counterpart this week to press for the demolition of Las Chepas, the semi-abandoned Mexican hamlet used as a staging area for hundreds of undocumented immigrants who cross daily into the United States west of Columbus.At least he's doing something.
And this edition of "Posts nobody cares about" brought to you by AFLAC.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
War reporters are extinct
HuffPo derails
I don't think Rieckhoff's neurons fire the same way most of ours do.
"Resident smart person"
"The resident smart person down at Anheuser finally said 'Enough,'" said Juli Niemann, an analyst with RT Jones in St. Louis. "It shouldn't have happened and now it has come to an end, so I'm sure they're all collectively breathing a sigh of relief."What a peculiar sentence. Is resident genius too snarky? Did Juli get a thesaurus for Christmas? Is genius not PC? How odd.
Gasoline from coal
Montana's governor wants to solve America's rising energy costs using a technology discovered in Germany 80 years ago that converts coal into gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel.The Fischer-Tropsch technology, discovered by German researchers in 1923 and later used by the Nazis to convert coal into wartime fuels, was not economical as long as oil cost less than $30 a barrel.
Now, at what price does that water into wine thing become economical? And can we do it for beer? Wait, I guess Anheuser-Busch has been doing it with beer for years.
Hurricane bloggers get the love
Okay, I admit it. I'm not jealous-this post was just an excuse to link to a picture of one of the Fort Atkinson tornados. And also to say that a coworker who lost his house in Stoughton has received two family pictures back from the Milwaukee area.
Alright, I'm done on this topic. I think.
Nope, not done. More pics here.
Feingold's guideline
December 31, 2006 is Russ Feingold's guideline for Iraq, but make no mistake about it, he intends for it to be his launching pad. Stop to think about this a little bit. Under the very best circumstances, withdrawal by December 31st, 2006 is going to be extremely difficult. For the last 6 months of 2006, all we will hear out of the media will be about impending failure. As we get closer and closer to the guideline, Democrats are going to pick up that ball and run with it. They are going to fling accusations of failure and "losing the war" at Republicans at every opportunity. Now, what does that coincide with? Yep, the off-year congressional elections. It is possible that this strategy of pessimism could bring Democrats a net gain of seats in 2006. If that happens, Russ Feingold is going to be a very high profile and very popular Senator in his party. But even if it doesn't, Feingold will face a can't lose situation on New Year's Day, 2007. If we succeed, Feingold will be able to take the credit. If we fail to meet the guideline, Democrats will be able to tar Republicans with the word failure, but Russ will show his bi-partisan benevolence by extending the date. Either way, that puts Feingold in an envious position in 2007. He'll be a Senator with "Big Mo," which is important for a budding presidential prospect in the year before the primaries. He'll need 2007 to solidify his support, organize his campaign, and fundraise for his run, and with the guideline, he'll hit the ground running.
This guideline is almost a political "can't lose" for Feingold. That is, of course, if it gets passed. It is going to put Hillary Clinton in awkward position. She is going to have to either kill it or co-opt it, or else risk being out flanked by Feingold. Either way, it is a pretty cunning political maneuver. It is going to be interesting to see who takes what sides on this when Congress returns.
Bored with Sheehan? There's always Plame
Medical marijuana
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
"A stupid idea"
Emperor Norton I
Iraq perspective
U.S. Deaths in Iraq, 2003 to present (30 months):
U.S. Deaths in Vietnam, 1965 only (first full year after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution):
Total U.S. deaths in Vietnam:
Average number of U.S. Deaths in Iraq per month:
Number of years of war it would take for the Iraq War to equal the Vietnam War in total deaths:
77 years and 8 months
One cannot judge wars on deaths or casualities alone, but this is a pretty good indicator that the anti-war types are selling us a bad bill of goods with their Iraq-Vietnam comparisons.

This is one of my favorite pictures that I've taken. A few months after I got my Canon Rebel EOS, I went to the local ball diamond to practice with it. At one point I went beyond the centerfield fence to see what kind of a shot I could get. Last month, two plus years after I snapped this shot, I found the roll of film back and developed it. This is the result, and with it I am well pleased. The film picture is much better than the digitized image, but I'll spare you all the even duller story as to why.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Business blogging
The myopic Capital Times
Canadian might
Feingold's Folly
I said, "Off the record, your own view, would it help if we had a timeline to let the world know that we're not staying here forever?" And this is what he said, verbatim. He said, "Nothing would take the wind out of the sails of the insurgents more than having a timeline in place."Okay, so we know where Feingold is coming from. The problem for Russ is that it is a flawed position.
Setting a deadline for withdrawal will not take the wind out of the sails of the insurgency. The only way it could take the wind out of their sails would be if they are only fighting because we are there. Our presence is only part of the equation. They want us gone not because we have boots on the ground in Iraq, but because those boots are currently standing between them and what they really want-power. If we announced a deadline for withdrawal, we might see a lull in activity, but that is only because they'll be gathering their resources for an assault on the current Iraqi government (and the Iraqi people), beginning the day after we leave. That is Feingold's folly-the belief that the United States is the center of the universe for Islamic terror, and by extension, the insurgency. We aren't. We're an obstacle they desperately want torn down. The center of their universe is power and glory. For some insurgents, that means an Islamic Empire. For those insurgents who benefited from the rule of Saddam, it means seizing control of the riches of Iraq again. Either way, it is the United States that stands between them and their goal.
The true national embarrassment of the Vietnam War is that we left the South Vietnamese dangling in the wind because we grew tired of it all. That is history that Feingold, in his misunderstanding of the Iraq insurgency, apparently wants us to repeat.
Punished for brand loyalty
Tornado classroom
On August 18th, Wisconsin had a tornado outbreak. The tornado in Stoughton was large enough to scare most people from getting too close, but I've heard several accounts of people getting too close to the several F1 and F0 tornados. The tornado that struck Fort Atkinson that night was an F1 tornado-in the grand scheme of things, it was small. But it was still big enough to do harm.


If you are going to go out and chase storms, know what you are doing. If you find yourself in the storm, give up the chase and take cover. When the tornado warning first went out for Jefferson County, I was going to go to a vantage point to view the incoming storm that was close to home, mostly because it seemed like the storm was going to track to our north. In the short amount of time I took to get ready, the storm changed track slightly, and I knew better than to try to view this one. I'll admit, I'm dumb for doing this sort of thing. But I knew when not to risk it.
Rumor has it that one person driving through town saw the tornado and followed it in their car, taking digital photos. I'll admit, I'm hoping that my friend of a friend can get a hold of those images so I can see them. Doing that was dumb, though, and that person is lucky they weren't hurt or killed, even by this small tornado.
Going wobbly?
We need iron clad resolve right now. I'm beginning to wonder if we have it in us.
AP-A Summer of Scandal for U.S. Politicians
Scientists find skull of Alec Baldwin
Why Iraq is not Vietnam
Canton girls are easy
This may seem impossible to you, but it’s true.Sixty-five — again, 65 — of Timken High School’s 490 girl students are pregnant.
That’s a number confirmed by Principal Kim Redmond, whose staff, in less than a week, will inherit a problem it had no part in causing.
That's 13% of the high school's girls that are pregnant-at one time. The article does not go into enough detail to really offer opinions on why this is occuring or possible solutions, but this high school is worth studying (and I loathe studies) in greater detail if we want to understand and reduce teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy rates have been on a downward slide of late, but it is something I don't think we really have a firm grasp on yet.
China on the moon
Monday, August 22, 2005
Will the dragon slayer become the dragon
Then there is the threat from within. As blogging gets successful — in sheer numbers of readers, in attracting the interest of big sponsors — it needs to organise itself, it needs to give some order to the massed ranks of its supporters. So now we’re seeing aggregated blogs, blogging communities where folk gather under one banner for purposes of gathering support, sponsors and critical mass. Nothing wrong with this, of course. But at what point do these ‘aggregate sites’, with their front pages, their sections, their advertising departments, start to act surprisingly like online publications? Or their writers start to think like journalists, or news photographers, working through agencies for anything newsworthy?As much as I'd like to deny it, the free wheeling nature of the blogosphere will eventually be smothered as blogging becomes more institutionalized.
Paul Harvey, the radio pop up ad
I have a 7 minute drive from work to home, and during that period of my lunch break, I used to be able to listen to the beginning of Jeff Wagner's show on AM 620 WTMJ. If he had a topic which interested me, which was almost always, I turned the radio on at home and listened during lunch. Now I have Paul Harvey riding with me during that drive, and half his show is stealth commercials for crap products I don't want. I think I've only remembered to turn on Wagner at home once since Paul Harvey's show started airing on WTMJ. That's not a good lead in, WTMJ manglement.
Say it ain't so, Joe! Scarborough edition
Pork and you, revisted
This is what democracy in America is now all about. Everyone in Washington knows that there is no better way for a member of the U.S. House or Senate to ingratiate himself with voters than by announcing, "Free federal pork for your community. Come and get it."Amen. Pork only occurs because we voters reward it. The buck stops with us.
When will this moral perversity be brought to a halt? Only when the American people stop rewarding this corrupt practice with accolades, praise and gratitude, and instead greet political announcements of federal grants with the indignation, disdain and condemnation they deserve.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
A non-hysterical post at HuffPo?
Presidential hopefuls
Hagel: "What I think the White House does not yet understand and some of my colleagues, is the dam has broken on this (Iraq) policy." "We are locked into a bogged down problem not unsimilar or dissimilar to where we were in Vietnam. The longer we stay the more problems we are going to have."
Allen: "It is absolutely essential that we win it. We cannot tuck tail and run (from Iraq). We have to prevail. We must win. If we lose, that will destabilize the Middle East."
Feingold: "The president is not telling us the time frame ... what's happening is that the American public is despairing of the situation," said Feingold. "I felt it was time to put on the table an idea and break the taboo."
Richardson: "The senator (Feingold) is understandably frustrated, like all America is. What we need in Iraq is either a strategy to win or a strategy to get out."
All potential candidates would be well advised not to do one thing-to become a one dimensional war (pro or con) candidate. To do so is to guarentee a loss.
Military strategists-better card players?
Now, if you don't know how to play Uecker, I already lost you, but here's the point. I began to think about the strategy disagreement. The opponent was thinking the thing through from an individualistic, always moving forward type vantage point. I was thinking from more of a team, who's cards do what to who vantage point. Both of those points are kind of like military strategies. Given that, are military strategists and planners outstanding card players? After all, they are well versed in strategy and looking at how certain actions work better in certain scenarios, and how all of the actions interelate. It would seem that they would be able to translate this expertise to card games very easily. Has anyone ever heard anything to this effect?
Toasted epidermis
Saturday, August 20, 2005
The (police) force is strong with that one
Chewbacca better look out for the dog catchers.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Light of Day
I am not going to be taking photographs of the damage. Crews are already working on clean up, and I also don't feel like taking "after" photos of what was somebody's fears last night.
All clear
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tornado warning Jefferson County
Lots of confusing info. Radio reported tornado on the ground in town here, nothing on scanner, though. Somebody (Stoughton?) got hit hard before we got this though, as shingles and shit started falling from nowhere. Scanner reporting wall cloud west of town. We hear hail from our uncomfortable silence in the basement.
Update 2
Second tornado, this one ten miles west of town. Meanwhile, lightning just struck something on this block-sounded like an explosion. Jefferson County sucks.
Update 3
These God damn things keep forming! This is the fifth time they've sounded the sirens for touched down tornados i the area. #$@%$%^ Jefferson County. Good news-I still have power, which hopefully means we're okay.
Update for posterity
Links to NWS report on the tornados and a map of the tornado tracks.
Amateur photography revisited
Congrats BBA
Blog language
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
A fine line
Without a doubt, we need to be prepared for the potential of this flu pandemic, and the public needs to be aware of it. There are a lot of people, Reynolds included, that are focusing exclusively on worst case scenarios that include 25% of the world population dying and global economic depression. By having a laser focus on the worst case scenarios, they are conditioning the public to panic in a bad way if and when the bird flu does break out.
Ugh. In (half hearted) defense of Clinton
Gas & Wisconsin's minimum mark up law
ELCA & Israel
Fences and a "Just Peace"
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America makes a stand against Israel's security fence and in favor of a "just peace." (Never mind Palestinian terrorism.)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
How do you deal with writer's block?
My God, September can't get here soon enough. Give me politics or give me d...okay, I don't need my politics fix that bad.
Simply Sheehan
The What If? Files, Vol 1
In today's What If, we'll look at the First Amendment as it relates to the public airwaves. But first, let's review the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Okay, review over. As we are aware, the "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion" portion of the First Amendment is being interperated rather liberally by the courts these days. So, with that as a given, what if an individual or an organization that supports a clear and wide separation of church & state were to take the FCC to court for allowing the public airwaves to be licensed for Christian Broadcast stations on the basis of the Establishment Clause? First off, I'm not a lawyer so I cannot say whether a case of this type would have any validity, but as an interested observer, this seems to be a likely progression of the separation of church & state battles. But what would a challenge of this type do to the First Amendment? Every once in a while in this country, we breathly discuss the possibility of a Constitutional crisis. A challenge of this type would seem to be our first real crisis. The challenge to licensing of the airwaves for Christian broadcasting would pit the establishment clause against freedom of speech and freedom of the press-a situation that would pit the First Amendment against the First Amendment.
First, would the courts even agree to hear such a challenge? If so, has the liberal interpretation of the Establishment Clause become an influential enough line of thought in the courts for it to redefine freedom of speech and the press?
Hell Pizza

Click here for the full size photo at Flickr.
Upon further review, I retract "great billboard". When read as though Bush is saying, it is funny. When read as if Bush were the evil bastard, not so funny. Given that most people are going to interpret it as the latter rather than former, I've revised my opinion.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Good news for oil?
But the crack spreads, or price differences between gasoline and crude and heating oil and crude, "were higher than justified by the refinery problems, especially when you consider that the contract is for September delivery when the summer driving season has come to an end," he said.All in all, the "aura of invincibility is really all the bulls have going for them," said Tim Evans, a senior analyst at IFR Markets.
Traders are "hoping to prevent a correction from taking hold because "if the prices weaken, then someone might notice how very well supplied these markets actually are," he said in an afternoon note to clients.
If we see a correction, this article from 2004 suggests that the slide in oil prices could be a steep one.
Liquidation of speculative contracts. The current high degree of speculation in oil markets suggests that any price weakness will feed on itself. Speculative traders tend to be driven by price momentum. Thus any break in the oil price should trigger liquidation of large speculativecontracts. That, in turn, should lead to even lower prices.So hold out hope that relief is on the horizon.
disclaimer: Jib is not an economist, but he does stay at Holiday Inn Expresses.
Top Ten: Who is York?
10. He’s that 13 year old wisenheimer that lives down the street from you. You know, the one who puts the flaming bags of dog poo on your step?
9. Dennis York is an anagram. His real name is Ned Skinroy.
8. Former Packer Gilbert Brown. Had your Gilbert burger lately?
7. York and Peg Lautenschlager have never been seen together. Coincidence? I think not.
6. He’s really Xoff’s crazy uncle Stanislaw.
3. Wait just a second-did someone give those Thompson boys a computer and an internet connection again?
2. He is triple secret, super duper, undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame. Shh…you didn’t hear that from me.
Anonymity in the blogosphere
York is/was a very witty writer and talented blogger, and that is a problem for his anonymity. When a very talented anonymous blogger happens onto the scene, it isn't very long before people feel they have to out that blogger. Sometimes it is just curiosity. Sometimes it is a little more sinister. Either way, that buzz is uncomfortable for the anonymous blogger because they are anonymous for a reason. Often times that reason is directly related to their day job. Some of us are just more comfortable with a wall between our work and our politics, and the wall is pretty flimsy and easy to get around; if someone figures out who we are, it's no big deal. For others, though, that wall is very important part of keeping their day job. Once people start trying to climb the wall, the gig is up, because eventually someone will get a peek over the top, usually on the shoulders of others.
Can anonymous blogging be a problem? Yes, but I don't see any problems in York's case. Besides, outing anonymous bloggers is unnecessary even when it is a problem, because the blogosphere tends to take of business on its own by discrediting those blogs and pulling links, thereby killing their traffic and influence. Some may say that York is a victim of his own success. I say he was done in by prying eyes that really didn't need to be prying. Either way, York is not the first anonymous blogger to be done in by the real identity treasure hunt, he won't be the last, and I find that very unfortunate for all of us who blog or read blogs.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Irritation with Wisconsin's sexual offender program
I am not going to go into specifics on this instance because, to be frank, I need to learn more background informationon some of the specifics. At first blush, though, I am very agitated at what I see. I learned recently that a registered sex offender has moved into my neighborhood-so close that I can see the house in question from my front porch. This person was charge with 9 counts of 1st degree sexual assault of a child in the early 1990's This person was apparently given a plea deal, allowing this person to plead guilty to 3 counts while having the other 6 counts dismissed. For 3 counts of 1st degree sexual assault of a child, this person was given a mere 6 months of jail time, and 8 years of probation. The probation is now complete, but this person is a lifetime registrant on the Wisconsin Sex Offender list. But here's my rub. The individual has moved into a house where a couple of children also reside. This house is also only 3 blocks from an elementary school. This individual is living in this location legally, and that's the source of my irritation. A person who was found guilty of 3 counts of 1st degree sexual assault of a child (charged with 9 counts total), should not be allowed to live in that proximity to a school, and definitely should not be allowed to live in a household with children. I don't care if it has been over 10 years since the original charges, and that person has successfully completed their probation. Allowing this is asking for trouble. As a concerned neighbor, I can keep my eye on what goes on outside that house, but I also know that nothing untoward is going to happen in front of that house. If anything happens, it is going to be inside the house when nobody can see it.
I am going to do a little bit of background research on this person's case, which is going to require a visit to a library for newspaper accounts. Even knowing the background on this won't help me change the situation, though, as I know for fact that everything is square to the law. There is a feeling of helplessness when all you can do is learn as much about the case as possible in the event that you see something happen that doesn't seem right. Of course, once that happens, it's probably already too late.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The weekend ahead
Friday, August 12, 2005
9/11 Oral Histories
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Even more popular dead than alive
Oh me of little faith
Cindy Sheehan
Blood in the water
Okay to download child pornography in Maryland
Is the majority really the minority
Vote for the Badger Blog Alliance!
Cheney '08?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Mathematicians, your guides to love
In the model, a man chooses a worthless, valuable or extravagant gift. Valuable gifts might include diamonds or appliances, expensive items that have intrinsic value in that they are useful and can fetch a good price if resold. Extravagant gifts, on the other hand, would be something like dinner at a fancy restaurant, tickets to a Broadway show or a moonlit serenade. The value of these gifts is just in the experience.The model showed that extravagant gifts had the highest score for both men and women. In Seymour's interpretation of the results, women feel confident that they have found a strong and committed mate when they receive an extravagant gift. And men avoid gold-diggers by giving only gifts that have no intrinsic value.
If mathematicians put the same effort into actual courtship that they put into creating a mathematical model for courtship, they'd rule the world.
Blah, or Silence is Golden
More proof the capitalist pig South Koreans are weak
(North Korean News Service)-His excellency Kim Jong-il, beloved Supreme Leader of North Korea, once played video games for 127 consecutive hours without so much as blinking his eyes. During this time, he conquered 27 different games. Afterwards, he went for a light 26.6 mile jog, which he completed in just under 45 minutes. The South Koreans are weakened by their relationship with the hedonistic, capitalist pig United States.
(Satire. Just in case ya weren't sure)
Tough times to be a wife
A 75-year-old German was so shocked he had accidentally run down his wife he started forward and drove over her again, authorities said Wednesday.If at first you don't succeed...
Click for a good cause

Click here to help out.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Micro-comparison: Evolution v. Design
Personal background
Given my two posts on this, I feel I owe a little deeper background on, well, me. I was raised in a Church that believed in the literal interpretation of the Bible, i.e., the world was created in 7 human days. From that perspective, it is just as heretical for me to consider the combination of evolution and design a possibility as it apparently is for evolutionists to do likewise. But I'm still willing to consider it.
Wait. I am still conservative, right?
I've liked a few things at acepilots.com, a coblogger of mine recommends Jiblog...I always find it flattering when someone on the opposite side of the aisle can say something nice about Jiblog. At the same time, I pull out my Barry Goldwater speeches to make sure I'm not faltering in my conservatism.
I kid. Thanks to Cecrops Tangaroa for the mention, and to the coblogger for the thought.
Snoop Dogg & Woody Harrelson take over Mauritania?
Mauritania junta=a marijuana tint.
That's right, it makes no sense unless Snoop Dogg and the Woodman were involved.
Reinforcing stereotypes
ANN ARBOR, Mich. - A man who left an accident scene was tracked down with the help of some cheerleaders who witnessed the crash and turned his license plate number into a cheer, police said.I never realized that remembering six numbers and letters was so challenging. I will leave all of the hair color jokes to you, my readers, because I respect my blonde female readers too much to make the jokes myself.
If given the choice, how would you choose to die?
Well, now that I have that out of the way, happy Tuesday morning everyone! Enjoy that cup of Joe!
Backyard fires

Monday, August 08, 2005
Intelligent design and the PhD
Quiet wife
A Macedonian man left his wife at an Italian service station and only realized he had driven off without her six hours later, news agency Ansa said Monday.I know that if I forget bread at the store, I'm not going to be allowed to forget it for days. This guy has a lifetime of crow to eat.
Then again, maybe this had a lot to do with it.
Sausage eating champ
"What's your sign?"
What, were you expecting something else, sickos?
On blog taglines
"Jib doesn't take a good picture" ~The American MindAs you can see, I was willing to misquote in order to self depricate, but I don't think I can improve on the branding that I get from my "beer chuggin', gas guzzlin'" tagline. When a blogger is new to Jiblog and links back here for the first time, it is not unusual to see my tagline in the post. I think the clincher came this weekend, though. I had the pleasure of meeting John McAdams at the Wisconsin State Fair on Sunday. As introductions came to me, he said, "you're the beer chuggin', gas guzzlin' guy, right?" That sealed it. I shall remain the blogger who chugs & guzzles.
"A reader..." ~McBride's Media Matters
"Jiblog. There are varieties of filth." ~Althouse
Barone Blog
Tripe from Russell Shaw
As a guy who played the game as long as my talent would allow, I'm offended that Shaw tries make this piss poor justification.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Straight men marry in Canada
Bill Dalrymple, 56, and best friend Bryan Pinn, 65, have decided to take the plunge and try out the new same-sex marriage legislation with a twist -- they're straight men.They claim that they are trying to publicize the financial loop hole in same sex marriage, and I'm sure they are sincere in that. But I suspect that they also did this so they could take advantage of those financial loopholes. And this is one of the problems with same sex marriage. It will/would be easily manipulated by people who have absolutely no bond beyond possibly a friendship. If you think divorce rates are high now, just wait until the day when they are meaningless numbers because friends or roommates marry in order to save money on benefits or taxes, and then divorce when they find someone of the opposite sex that they want to settle down with. We've been sliding down this slope for 30 years now, so it should be pretty easy to see what it is just ahead."I think it's a hoot," Pinn said.
The proposal came last Monday at a Toronto bar amid shock and laughter from their friends. But the two -- both of whom were previously married and both of whom are looking for a good woman to love -- insist that after the humour subsided, a real issue lies at the heart of it all.
"There are significant tax implications that we don't think the government has thought through," Pinn said.
Rest in peace Peter Jennings
Wisconsin State Fair IV
Wisconsin State Fair III

Wisconsin State Fair II
Wisconsin State Fair I
Back from the BBA gathering
And Dean's info was on such a need to know basis that I wasn't allowed to discuss his presence until now at 9:30 at night.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Pork and you
It has been fairly common for those of us who are fiscally conservative to vent our frustrations at our Republican congressmen. After all, we've swept Republicans into congress and the White House in order to reduce government spending. I think a good number of us have felt betrayed by our representatives as congress has done little to put the reigns on spending, and also by our President for failing to veto any of these spending bills. I think we need to start looking a little deeper, though. Our elected officials would not be spending our tax dollars like drunken soldiers unless we were demanding it of them. If they felt spending more would actually lead to fewer votes, they'd stop in a heart beat. The problem is most people view pork in the same way that they view special interests-it's only pork or a special interest when the money is going to someone else. Everytime we advocate for a bike path in our district, everytime we push for that road that is not an economic necessity yet, we are advocating for more pork in our districts while grumbling about the pork in other districts or states. And this is happening in every district in the country. Voters are watching to make sure that their fair share of tax dollars come back to their districts or states. When it doesn't, they crucify the politician who failed to bring tax dollars back home. Meanwhile they slap down all the other districts and states that are bringing home more tax dollars.
Controlling spending by the Federal Gub'mint requires discipline by our elected representatives, but it also requires discipline by we, the voters. Until we start to display our fiscal conservatism here in our home districts and communities, our representatives sure as hell aren't going to display theirs in the Federal Government. Or state government, for that matter.