Monday, September 06, 2004

Sex and the cinema

Well, it's been a while since Showgirls, so I guess we were due for this. There is a movie debuting this week in art-house theaters this week called The Brown Bunny. In The Brown Bunny, Chloe Sevigny performs a graphic sex act. The Christian Science Monitor discusses the trend towards more hard core sex in movies here.

I am by no means a prude. I watched In The Cut (which the CSM article mentions), and I was not particularly offended. I do have a bit of a problem with this trend towards more explicit sexual activities in movies, though. My problem is not with the explicit act itself. Adults can make their own decisions on whether they view it or not. My problem is that this can be considered art, when, in fact, it is uncreative film making. To me, art leaves a certain amount to the imagination. Great art leads people to use their brains to take the message and give it full flavor. Explicit sex in a movie is about as artistic as a road map. What is artisitic in movies is suggestion. There is nothing better than leaving a movie with your brain full of detail that you yourself created as you personalized the film. What is explicit sex in a movie except a cheap thrill, or an $8 how to?

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