Thursday, May 24, 2007

Perfect burger? Pshaw.

Just in time for the Memorial Day weekend, the Washington Post offers up tips for the "perfect burger." The article is fine as far as offering general tips, but if you make your burgers per their instructions, you'll merely have a good burger, not a perfect burger. Through much trial and error, I think I've come pretty close to perfection. I'd offer up my secrets, but I'm still selfishly hoarding the compliments for my burgers.

I will offer up one tip. Mix things up in your ground beef. In other words, find ways to add flavor to the burgers. My patty recipe requires seven ingredients. You'll be surprised at what it does for your burgers without taking anything away from the traditional beef taste. Beyond that, do some hard thinking on your burger process (yes, process), experiment a lot, and you'll discover some secrets of your own that lead to great burgers.

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