Sunday, December 26, 2004

Asteroid impact on April 13, 2029?

Well, the news is just all happy go lucky this post Christmas season, isn't it? In other news, we learn that there is about a 1 in 42 chance that there will be an asteroid impact with earth on 4/13/29. That is still a pretty small chance, but it is a number most of us can understand, which makes it seem pretty big. My question is, what happens if NASA comes back over the next couple of years and refines that forecast to say, a 20% chance, or maybe a 50% chance? How does mankind react? Do we set our best minds to the solving the problem? If so, do they succeed? What about the rest of society? Do people radically alter their behaviors, turning our laws of economics, as well as our moral standards on their head? In other words, would people turn to a dangerous live for today mind set? And where would God fit into all of this?

Personally, I think we'd see a little bit of all of that. I think our best minds would succeed in averting disaster. I think there would be both a spiritual revival as well as a live for today, do what feels good movement. If I were an economist or sociologist, it would be a one fun, if morbid, topic to investigate.

Good news. We can all take April 13, 2029 off our calendars as "end of humanity day". The latest observations indicate that there is next to no risk of impact from this asteroid. I hope none of you awkwardly hit on anyone with an end of the world come on line in the last few days.

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