Sunday, December 05, 2004

Orange, the new black

I have to admit, orange may be my least favorite color. I'm changing my mind though. Since the opposition in Ukraine has made orange their symbolic color, I have a new respect for the color, and I even find myself wanting something orange to wear so I can quietly show my support for their cause. It is clear the election was terribly fraudulent, and the opposition has peacefully begun to remedy that injustice.

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit is endorsing an idea that is spinning about that George Bush should wear an orange tie to boost the morale of the opposition in Ukraine. While I love the idea, it isn't practical. The President has to maintain the best relations possible with Russia and the Ukraine, regardless of the outcome of the new election. Wearing an orange tie would be a powerful snub of Vladimir Putin, and it would also put Victor Yakunovich even further in Putin's hip pocket should he win. Such a small thing would boost a group of people who deserve it, but it would also likely make things much more difficult for them.

Added note: Interesting post on the Ukranian election from All About Latvia.

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