Monday, June 27, 2005

Supreme silver lining

Many of us have been decrying the latest proclamations of the Supreme Court. Indeed, it sometimes seems as though our freedoms are in full retreat in the face of court decisions. It looks as though the storm clouds have passed over the horizon and sit on our doorstep, but remember, the sun is always shining if one can just see past the clouds. After all, if the American public ever comes to that day when it finds the weight of government, including the Court, too heavy to bear, and it is forced to face Jefferson's words, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants," at least at the end of those ugly and unfortunate events, they will have a ready document for governance: The Constitution of the United States of America, a constitution stripped of hundreds of years of court decisions which have found meaning where there was none.

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