Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Frozen Tundra of Lambert Field?

After I got home from my East Coast swing, I took the opportunity to catch up on things here around the blogstead. Along the way I came upon Pacetown. One thing that really caught my eye there was the fact that Senator Kerry had visited Wisconsin while I was out of state, and during that visit he had called Lambeau Field Lambert Field. Now we Wisconsinites can be pretty forgiving people, especially if you're willing to buy us a beer, and we are used to people from the coasts saying Wes-con-sen, but we are talking Lambeau Field here, for Vince's sake. This state is so in love with the Packers that many of us have violated Vince Lombardi's code for his own players (God, family, then the Green Bay Packers) and have skipped church or ignored family to watch them. Kerry is lucky that we are a pretty laid back and forgiving state. If he'd mispronounced Favre, Lombardi or Starr, though, you'd have probably heard someone growl, "Git a rope!"

What this Lambert Field thing does, however, is put another dent in Kerry's credibility. Walking into the most hallowed real estate in a battle ground state and mispronouncing its name makes you look like a buffoon who really doesn't care at all about the people whose vote you want. I'd venture to guess that 90% of American males could correctly pronounce Lambeau, 98% if briefed on it ahead of time.

I have come to one conclusion, Packer Fans nationwide. This wasn't an innocent gaffe. Kerry was trying to pander to you while at the same time score points with the hated Bear and Viking fans. Do not take this man's perfidy lightly. Vote Bush.

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