Friday, August 27, 2004

Lawdy, lawdy!

According to Drudge, the LA Times will report that Bush has moved into a 48%-44% lead in the polls here in Wisconsin. Apparently, he's also moved into the lead in Missouri and Ohio. Personally, I find the Wisconsin numbers stunning. Our two biggest media markets and population centers are the People's Republic of Madison (honestly, check this out) and Milwaukee, two solidly Donk territories. Donk, by the way, is my new affectionate term for the Dems. A 4% lead means that the rest of the state must be going pretty solidly Bush right now.

1 comment:

Mediaskeptic said...

Honest to God. I have not seen a picture like that billboard outside of Red Square. It would make a nice graphic for your blog with a nice / through it.

Poll lead is nice. And the convention hasn't started yet. Am thinking protests just might tick some people off and send them voting for Bush. I hope so.