Saturday, August 21, 2004

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yahoo Headline:

Kerry Ads Underscore His Vietnam Service

Huh? Kerry served in Vietnam? Daggummit, I di'nt know dat. Shucks, and golly gee, too! I reckon I been all wrong 'bout dis Kerry feller.

The Democrats in Washington and in the media really do think we are stupid, don't they? Somewhere at the AP or at Yahoo or in Washington, a bunch of Donkeys were sitting around, eating veggies and drinking Evian:

"Jason, the Americans in fly over land just don't seem to get it. Some of them not only don't know what a terrible person Bush is, they also have a genuine affection towards the guy. What's wrong with these hicks?"

"I don't really know, Sandy. Personally, I think they're like innocent little children who believe in Santa Claus, or, worse yet, Jesus (snicker). What can we do to make them see the light?"

"Hmm. I know! They really seem to love soldiers. Let's tell them that Kerry was a Vietnam hero! Polls show that they have a lot of sympathy for Vietnam Vets, especially those who served honorably."

"That's it, Sandy! Vietnam! Those little fools will surely show up in droves if we just make them see that Kerry is the man they really like!"

"We're really smart, Jason. Most Americans are dumb. We need to be understanding, patient, and accepting, and really educate them on this."
Uff da! (That's for my fellow conservative Norwegians out there).

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