Monday, October 11, 2004

Kerry/Edwards, the childish ticket

I'm not sure I've ever seen a ticket run a campaign with more bad puns and child like rhetoric than the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Here are two examples from this AP/Yahoo article alone:
When it comes to developing a real energy policy, George Bush has run out of gas.

Here I am in the state of New Mexico. George Bush is still in the state of denial.

Ugh, Senator. Really, time for a new joke writer. Please. You could probably stand to poke fun at yourself once in a while instead of at your opponent all of the time. Self deprecating humor in small doses endears people. Of course, what could be funny about you?


RPM said...

I like the pun.

Reuel said...

Everything that comes out of GWB's mouth is either a lie, a strawman attack, or a joke. The jokes are often as not at others' expense, not self-deprecating.

Remember, when asked about Bush's always-positive view of what's going on in Iraq, former ISG leader David Kay said "Denial is not just a river in Africa".